MEDIA ALERT: Charmaine Quoted in TMP Election Central



Talking Points Memo Family Research Council Faults Brownback For Pro-Rudy Comments

By Greg Sargent – October 26, 2007, 6:53PM

“Today we’ve been chronicling the fallout from the surprising remarks made yesterday by conservative Senator Sam Brownback, who startled a lot of people in GOP primary politics by saying that he’d grown “more comfortable” with Rudy’s abortion views after meeting with him face to face.

The latest: A top official with the Family Research Council, a top social conservative group, expressed surprise and dismay at Brownback’s dalliance with Rudy in an interview with Election Central.

“The wording is curious,” said Charmaine Yoest, a vice president at FRC. “It goes beyond what I would have expected of him.”…”

Read the entire article here.


Thank you (foot)notes:

And be sure to catch the comments on Greg Sargent’s piece.

UPDATE: see David Dayen’s The Third Party Question


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2 Responses

  1. Stacy Harp says:

    Very interesting comments indeed. I wonder when Dr. Dobson plans on endorsing Huckabee….or if waiting and pondering over Mitt has a lot to do with the money Focus could lose if he doesn’t endorse him.

    Either way…you will not find me endorsing anyone but Huckabee at this point.

  2. Jack Yoest says:

    Stacey, many on the Christian right will agree with you.

    Except, maybe, Gary Bauer.

    The liberals always get this wrong — Conservatives do not vote in a block (oh, that we would…)

