Governor Blagojevich and "emergency contraception"

Just got a letter from Ellie Smeal of the Feminist Minority, asking me to contact Governor Blagojevich of Illinois.
Hey, I think that’s a great idea! Not so sure Ellie’ll be too thrilled with what I have to say. But before we get to that, here’s her story:
Earlier this month, Governor Rod Blagojevich of Illinois created an emergency rule that requires pharmacists to fill contraceptive prescriptions immediately, in response to a pharmacist’s refusal to fill two prescriptions for emergency contraception (EC) on February 23. Governor Blagojevich acted without delay in confronting an increasingly widespread problem, a problem the New York Times calls “an intolerable abuse of power by pharmacists who have no business forcing their own moral or ethical views onto customers who may not share them.”
Governor Blagojevich’s rule mandates that pharmacies “will be expected to accept that prescription [for contraception] and fill it in the same way, and in the same period of time they would fill any other prescription,” he said. “No delays. No hassles. No lecture. Just fill the prescription.”
Please take a moment to thank Governor Blagojevich for his swift action in supporting a woman’s timely access to contraception!
For equality,
Ellie Smeal
So, do drop the governor a note or give him a call. Ellie has some suggested verbiage on their website, but trust me on this one, you can skip that.
Instead, here and here is good information on the abortifacient potential (and intent) of “emergency contraception.”
Pro-life pharmacists should have the right to refuse to fill these prescriptions. That’s what Governor Blagojevich needs to hear.
Send correspondence for Governor Blagojevich, to or to the Office of the Governor, 207 State House, Springfield, IL 62706; (217) 782-0244 or (312) 814-2121 [TTY (888) 261-3336].
Update on ArchPundit with another view

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