Baseball Blogging: Orioles Beat Astros!



The Diva and The Dude

with The Nephews

“Mom, c’mon, make some noise!”

One of life’s great joys: a major league baseball game with a ten-year-old boy. Bright lights. A summer breeze. The Sosa Swing.

“Woah. Mom. Check it out. 96 mph!”

Finally, I felt so guilty that I was having all the fun sitting next to the Dude that I offered to switch seats with Jack so he could enjoy the play-by-play commentary.

And the Orioles won.

# # #

Leaving the stadium, we paused for a moment in front of a beautiful memorial, honoring our veterans who made the supreme sacrifice. We are indeed eternally grateful. . . both to them, and to you who are serving today.


As a Memorial to All Who so Valiantly Fought

and Served in the World Wars

with Eternal


to Those Who Made the Supreme Sacrifice

to Preserve Equality and Freedom

Throughout the World

Time Will Not Dim the Glory of Their Deeds

Right Thinking Girl asks all the right questions on LiveBlogging Baseball.

Attaboy talks about the fellowship and the Great American Pasttime at Attending Services.


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1 Response

  1. Jody says:

    Sounds like a wonderful time. 🙂