Road Trip! Headed to Nashville for Justice Sunday

The Dreamer has been packing all day. In the morning, we are loading up the Penta-Posse and headed south to Nashville for a road trip to Justice Sunday II. . .we’ll be blogging whenever and wherever we find wireless, so be sure to check back in.
I’m very excited about the “Blogger’s Row” project that, as a part-time Senior Fellow, I have the opportunity to head up for the Family Research Council. We’ve got a great group of bloggers coming in for Sunday night’s simulcast to cover the event and live-blog all the action . . .Tom DeLay will be speaking, along with Zell Miller, Chuck Colson and Tony Perkins . . . and I am particularly hoping my girls will get to meet Rebecca St. James who will be singing.
Who’s coming to live-blog? Captain Ed Morrissey of Captain’s Quarters; Trey Jackson of Jackson’s Junction (who will be video-blogging); Lance McMurray of Red State Rant; Joe Carter of Evangelical Outpost (and newly-appointed managing editor of World Magazine!); Bill Hobbs of; Blake Wylie of Nashville Files; Beth Woodfin, a fellow Cotillion lady, of Yeah, Right, Whatever; and Jackson Miller.
And there will certainly be action: We heard today that there will be a “Justice Everyday” counter-demonstration somewhere near the church. According to their press release, Justice Sunday participants are, “intent on breaking down the wall between church and state and undermining the independence of the federal judiciary.” Some of the “Alternative Religious Voices” involved include Susan Thistlethwaite, President of Chicago Theological Seminary and Dr. Bob Edgar, the General Secretary of the National Council of Churches. No link available.
You can be sure we’ll have pictures here at Reasoned Audacity and at the other sites.
But, hey, we didn’t even have to get to Nashville to kick up a little dust. In an effort to make this live-blogging event as, well, ecumenical as possible, I sent a specific invitation to Jeff Jarvis of Buzzmachine to join the fun. He, however, turned us down flat, and called the invitation “odd”:
Jeff Jarvis
I got a most odd invitation to come to Nashville to blog Justice Sunday II . . . That’s most odd, since I’ve held these events — and politicians sucking up to them — in disdain.
Disdain? Strong word, Jeff, for a wordsmith who won’t come check it out in person.
Then he goes on to raise the issue of travel expenses and disclosure. Full disclosure: We are covering the travel expenses (only) of a few bloggers who would not otherwise be able to come. The rationale here is simple: bloggers are not MSM with large travel budgets. Most of us have day-jobs.
Regular readers will remember the trip that I recently took to Edinburgh as a guest of the One Campaign to live-blog the Live8 events connected to the G-8 summit. Definitely not a trip I would have been able to take on my own — and I noted and thanked the sponsors. And still also ended up being pretty critical of my hosts in some posts. In all, that was a great experience, and it provided both the inspiration and the model for this Justice Sunday live-blogging experiment.
Captain Ed put up a post today with his thoughts on this issue.
Wait one. Forgot to mention that there will be free snacks in the media room.
Lastly, I have to thank Roger Abramson of Nashville for this comment he left for Jeff:
. . . I think you should give these guys some credit — they’re being quite open with their invites. Amd, anyone who wants a pass seems to be getting one. That shows a lot of good faith (in the secular sense of that word) on their part. Come on down and see what we’ve got to offer.
I’ll just second that last thought: it’s not too late to change your mind, Jeff. Come on down.
And oh yeah. Who said that they “like the blogosphere so much” because they “end up talking with people whose opinions often don’t align” with their own?
That would be Jeff Jarvis.
Thank you to the honorable Mudville Gazette for Open Post. And while there visit Sister Toldjah and her View on Abortion.
Get the latest on BillHobbs and 2Live.
Linked on Outside The Beltway at Traffic Jam. And while there, be sure to visit Kerfuffles and Congressional Inquisition.

Why is Tom DeLay speaking, when he promotes sweatshops on the Marianas Islands?
DeLay blocked a law to extend US labor laws to the Marianas, where clothing gets the “Made in the USA” label. This followed a junket DeLay took to the islands.
Where is justice for sweatship workers of the Marianas?
What the rest of the world is up to
Charmaine at Reasoned Audacity, as well as a number of other bloggers are off to Nashville to live-blog Justice Sunday II:
Lunchtime Links
It’s lunchtime and I’m again at Bongo Java for the grilled Bongo Gobbler sandwich and the free wi-fi. The ratio of customers to laptops is about 2:1. … Shaun Groves’s song Bless the Lord is one of my current favorites on Christian radio – and also a …
Disclosing Justice Sunday
Jeff Jarvis made a big todo about being invited to attend Justice Sunday and having his expenses covered. He refused the invitation. I saw that this upset canonist and thought it might be a good idea to speak for myself.
I am not going to receive a d
Things That Make You Go, “Hmmm…”
Ever heard of Justice Sunday? From the Tennessean: At least eight Web writers have agreed to watch the event from an Internet-enabled “blogger’s row” overlooking the 3,400-seat sanctuary at Two Rivers Baptist Church. Those from outside Nashville will b…
Someone’s got their knickers in a twist:
I’ll be in Nashville this Sunday for one night to cover Family Research Council’s Justice Sunday event. Yes, they are paying for my flight and hotel. I mention that because Jeff Jarvis had some words on the whole situation. Charmaine…
Every third-world country has to climb the economic ladder to prosperity. The first rung on that ladder is sweatshops. The last rung is widespread prosperity.
The left is doing its best to destroy the first two rungs of that economic ladder around the world. All the left is accomplishing is insuring billions of people will remain in famine, despair, destruction and deprivation.
Justice Sunday II:
Preliminary Thoughts (Part II)
One of the most interesting developments of Justice Sunday II has been the issue of bloggers and ?full disclosure.? After deciding that bloggers should have the opportunity to cover the event, Charmaine Yoest sent out invitations to a number of…