The Captain's Wife . . .

We got a formal wedding invitation . . . with no date on it. Instead, it said they’d let us know when the groom could be home for the ceremony.
This picture was taken on day three of a six-day leave. Pretty short honeymoon.
The new husband is now back in Germany, training for deployment to Iraq.
Always remember the families. . .the wives, the children, the mothers and fathers. . .of those who serve, so that we can be safe.
God bless you Josh and Charlee. May you grow old together, in joy and peace.

Dawn Patrol
Welcome to the Dawn Patrol, our daily roundup of information on the War on Terror and other topics – from the MilBlogs, other blogs, and the mainstream media. If you’re a blogger, you can join the conversation. If you link…
Okay, this made me cry! Beth