Building the Political Perfect Storm

Wow. This is cold-blooded.
KosKids strategizing on how best to capitalize politically on the New Orleans crisis. . . via LGF.

Wow. This is cold-blooded.
KosKids strategizing on how best to capitalize politically on the New Orleans crisis. . . via LGF.
Building the Political Perfect Storm
Building the Political Perfect Storm
Breakfast: 9/6/2005
Try one of these specials with your breakfast: Public Eye finds who is to blame for Hurricane Katrina. Nickie Goomba reports the left’s official response to Katrina. The Therapist says the toll could climb. Confederate Yankee finds NOLA politicians tur…
Were George W. Bush’s photo-ops cold-blooded?
Is this editorial in the National Review Online
saying the 2008 Republican Convention should be in New Orleans cold-blooded?
Using a blog to express offense at what anonymous people posted in a Kos diary is a waste.
I could take a comment at LGF from thousands and say at my blog, “Hey, look how terrible this comment is,” but I don’t.
-Eric Jaffa of “Move Left”
A Perfect Storm for Democrats
Finally, the Democrats have found some good winds a-blowing their way. They are naming it “The Perfect Storm”. The rest of us know it as Hurricane Katrina. Yesterday, was posted at Daily Kos “The Perfect Storm: Strategies for the Com…
Eric: From your perspective, the President is damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t. Imagine if he HADN’T gone down there for what you call a “photo-op.” Then you’d be saying he was cold-bloodedly ignoring the victims.
As for the suggestion of having the convention in New Orleans . . . the tone (and the intent I would argue) is entirely different.
Bush is using the flood for politics. Unlike posters at Daily Kos, he has the power to be helping instead.
From David Sirota:
This story from the Salt Lake Tribune is proof positive that the Bush administration sees America’s first responders as its own personal political props rather than the frontline soldiers in securing this country and helping our citizens. As the story notes, hundreds of firefighters ready to help out in New Orleans have been confined to lectures at a FEMA seminar in Atlanta, with federal officials preventing them from heading to the disaster zone. Yet, as the last paragraph of the story notes, 50- of the firefighters are being released to stand in as President Bush’s personal photo-op props.
Read the whole story here.