Live Blogging Commander in Chief

“President” Geena Davis
Tonight, Tuesday, Charmaine at Reasoned Audacity will be live blogging the first episode of the ABC network series featuring a female president in the White House.
Charmaine will compare and contrast leadership styles of the Executive Branch under President Reagan with that imagined by Hollywood.
Presidential Personnel, Oval Office, c.1986
Charmaine is third from the left, front row. (Your Business Blogger will not enter the picture for another two years, so to say.)
Thank you (foot)notes:
Experienced broadcaster Slake will not be watching.
Pinko Feminist Hellcat writes that no amount of TV can help her political preferences — and her unhappiness with Bush.
Laura at The Wide Awake Cafe will not be watching.
Jessica at Feministing will be watching (for the hype).
Mudville Gazette has Open Post.

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