In Memoriam: Joseph Carr


We heard yesterday that my husband’s uncle, Joe Carr, had died. He was 88 and had recently been hospitalized for heart problems, so it was not unexpected. And he died in his sleep at home, so that is a blessing.

Uncle Joe’s wife, Helen, died in 1986, but her ring was still on his finger when he died. When we saw my mother-in-law this afternoon, one of the first things she said to us was: “Joe is happy now, he is with Helen.”


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2 Responses

  1. Jack Yoest says:

    In Memoriam: Joseph Carr

    From Charmaine: Cross-posted at Reasoned Audacity. We heard yesterday that my husband’s uncle, Joe Carr, had died. He was 88 and had recently been hospitalized for heart problems, so it was not unexpected. And he died in his sleep at…

  2. I’m sorry for your loss. What a beautiful tribute of his love for his wife. I wish all spouses held that same devotion.