Capitalists vs Communists in Academe

A few years ago, Your Business Blogger was researching the on-line bio’s of university professors.
They were mostly Crooked Timber commies. But what surprised me was that they were not, well, circumspect.
One tenured professor even had the image of Karl Marx in the place for his picture. His hero. I guess.
So what’s a Red State kind of parent to do?
The Young America’s Foundation has some options.
The YAF published its annual list of the top ten conservative colleges. They are, in no order: Christendom College, College of the Ozarks, Franciscan University of Stubenville, Grove City College, Harding University, Hillsdale College, Indiana Wesleyan University, Liberty University, Patrick Henry College, and Thomas Aquinas College.
The Chronicle of Higher Education reports that parents want their children to:
avoid going to a school that’s going to tell them Che Guevara is a human-rights icon.
The YAF also advises to avoid these courses and campuses where:
Amherst College in Massachusetts offers the class Taking Marx Seriously: “Should Marx be given another chance?”
Students in this course are asked to question if Marxism still has any “credibility” remaining, while also inquiring if societies can gain new insights by “returning to [Marx’s] texts.” Coming to Marx’s rescue, this course also states that Lenin, Stalin, and Pol Pot misapplied the concepts of Marxism.
Harvard University’s Marxist Concepts of Racism examines “the role of capitalist development and expansion in creating racial inequality” (emphasis added).
Although Karl Marx didn’t say much on race, leftist professors in this course extrapolate information on “racial oppression” and “racial antagonism.”
And for those businessmen reading this (who didn’t inherit their money):
Duke University’s American Dreams/American Realities course supposedly unearths “such myths as ‘rags to riches,’ ‘beacon to the world,’ and the ‘frontier,’ in defining the American character” (emphasis added).
The wealth creation of American business is “myth” to most in the academy. Let us be very careful where we send our kids.
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Thank you (foot)notes:
Hat Tip to The Chronicle of Higher Education. Where the articles are as good as the pictures.
Pictured in
The Chronicle of Higher Education

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