Glenn Reynolds in The New Atlantis

The New AtlantisThe New Atlantis A Journal of Technology & Society is featuring Instapundit‘s Glenn Reynolds in the latest print issue that arrived yesterday.
Most lawyers write for billable hours. Glenn Reynolds writes for bloggers and readers where:
…reading a weblog requires a deliberate act. As a blog reader, you control your time…
And attention.
And it is this:
…what is really going on is something much more profound: the end of the power of Big Media.
And most important:
…power once concentrated in the hands of a professional few has been redistributed into the those who (mostly) do it for fun.
Beware the people who are having fun competing with you.
Italics in original.
Except from his forth coming book An Army of Davids is published by Nelson Current.
I can’t wait to get a copy.
The New Atlantis is published by
Ethics and Public Policy Center
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Thank you (foot)notes:
Appreciation and thanks to Eric Cohen, Editor, for providing a copy of The New Atantis.
Be sure to read Christine Rosen’s Are We Worthly of Our Kitchens? when the issue comes on line.

Amateur n. One who engages in a pursuit, study, science, or sport as a pastime rather than as a profession.
Among the amateur bloggers there is a wide range of day job professions and experience. There is an expert among the amateurs for any topic. The key force mutiplier is that they are now in a massively parallel and peer reviewed network.
Professional journalists, on the other hand, know the profession of journalism. They don’t stand a chance.
Fred, I think you summed it up best.
Your analogy to force multiplier and peer reviewed network is most appropiate.
When I was in the Army, the instructor, an expert in his field, would always start the class by asking, “Who here has worked on this type of assignment we are studying today?”
Invariably, there would always be someone in the class who just worked on the very problem the instructor was about to teach. The teacher then became a student and led the questioning.
I don’t expect anyone from The New York Times to contact or care about readers/writers in the blogosphere.