What Is The Power of American Television?

Yesterday, Your Business Blogger was on a major university campus in East Asia watching students play basketball outdoors. Acres of concrete courts. A football-sized outside arena with dozens and dozens of hoops.
The play is not quite like the intramural competition in USA. On this side of the world the students don’t play defense. Just shooting.
So I ask my host about this — offense only, no defense.
I’m expecting a deep relevelation of cultural differences. A difference in innovation or strategies or team play or ego or losing face. Maybe something about DNA differences?
The answer?
American TV.
These students watch ESPN. They learned to play basketball watching America’s NBA.
Where you will never see any defensive play.
The basketball style of play will probably change when college ball is broadcast into East Asia.
So. The world is watching the USA. And picking up some bad habits, in addition to watching Spong Bob Square Pants.

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