Harbour League Brings Out the Best for Baltimore


Cross Post from Jack Yoest

tony blankley book the west's last chance

The West’s Last Chance

by Tony Blankley Your Business Blogger and Charmaine had dinner with Tony Blankley, and a few other couples. I ask him about his days as press secretary for Newt Gingrich.

How Newt did his speeches. Did Tony write them?

“No.” said Blankley, now the editorial page editor of The Washington Times. “Newt would sketch out ideas on a yellow pad in the back of the car on the drive to the event,” said Tony. “He would modify his remarks to fit the [tone of the] audience — but he always knew where he stood and what he would say.” And so did Tony.

Tony warmed to the topic,

My job was easy. I could go immediately to the mics on Capital Hill after session and review what Newt doing and thinking. [President] Clinton’s press people could never do that as fast, because they never knew where Clinton stood on any issue at any time. They didn’t know what Clinton would think or [how to] react to any of Newt’s proposals. [Clinton] was forever triangulating — whatever the [heck] that is — so his press people always had to wait for me to finish, then wait for Clinton to make up his mind on how he felt about an issue at any point in time….because his positions changed all the time.

Nobody on Clinton’s team, including Clinton, had an internal compass; standards; core beliefs.

Blankley was reviewing the Ronald Reagan dictum that Personnel is Policy.

The dinner was arranged courtesy of the Harbour League based in Baltimore. Past guests have included Michelle Malkin and Grover Norquist.

If you are in the Mid-Atlantic area, do get on their good-guy list for upcoming events.

Here’s the next gig.

The Harbour League Presents

From the Gulag to the Killing Fields

Featuring Dr. Paul Hollander, author of From the Gulag to the Killing Fields, — holds degrees from the London School of Economics and Princeton University and is Professor Emeritus of Sociology at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. He is also an associate of the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies at Harvard University. A widely published author, his books include Political Pilgrims: Western Intellectuals in Search of the Good Society; Anti-Americanism: Critiques at Home and Abroad, 1965 — 1990; and Political Will and Personal Belief: The Decline and Fall of Soviet Communism.

Thursday, April 6th

7:00pm — 8:00pm (Reception to follow)

Doors open at 6:30pm

Hilton Pikesville

1726 Reisterstown Road

Pikesville, Maryland

There is no charge for this event; however, RSVP is a must. Seating is limited and Harbour League members have priority seating. To RSVP please visit www.TheHarbourLeague.org or call 410-206-3445.

The lecture is free. And well worth your time.


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Thank you (foot)notes:

John MacStansbury says that Your Business Blogger is an inveterate name dropper. I don’t know where he gets that. (He must have heard about my meeting Alan Greenspan and Andrea Mitchell — while they were dating! — in the Presidential Box in the Kennedy Center years ago.) John is a good-guy, anyway, even if prone to exaggeration. He has interesting observations on Democrats. May not be workplace safe.

More on Blankley and the Harbour League at Yoest.com.


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