Commander in Chief — Kaput



We interrupt the coverage of Hillary-the-Wannabe-Astronaut to note with interest that Commander-in-Chief has indeed been cancelled.


From Waco KidPlease weigh in. What does this tell us about Hillary 2008? Pick one.

A) You just don’t like strong women! America is not (sob) ready for a woman President!

B) America just lost interest in the Woman President schtick. It’s not that big a deal. Green light, Hill.

C) America is ready for a woman President. But not a Collagen Commander. . .


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3 Responses

  1. Mike says:

    Heh Heh…The Waco Kid has been retired, and Penguin Proletariat no longer exsists as of this past Monday. However, I’m still drawing cartoons under my real name at

  2. The Drill SGT says:

    The first female President will have been a GOP VP.

  3. The thing about that show was that it was bad, sure, but not bad enough to be unintentionally hilarious.