GodBlogCon Coming Soon



Charmaine, wife of Your Business Blogger will be speaking at the Political Plenary Panel,

A bi-partisan discussion on political conversation across the blogosphere, featuring answers to questions such as: What makes a political blog insightful and interesting, versus a dime-a-dozen rant? What role will political blogs play in the upcoming elections and future campaigns? Where can a blogger find insightful content from which to draw? How can a blogger facilitate legitimate political conversation on his or her political blog?

Charmaine will be joining:

Hugh Hewitt / Professor of Law, Author, Nationally Syndicated Talk Show Host

Blog: hughhewitt.com

La Shawn Barber / Author and Writer

Blog: La Shawn Barber’s Corner

John Mark Reynolds / Director of the Torrey Honors Institute (Biola)

Blog: Middlebrow

James Kushiner / Publisher of Touchtone Magazine

Blog: Mere Comments

Joe Carter / Comm. Director at the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity

Blog: Evangelical Outpost

Rob Asghar / Writer and Political Commentator

Blog: TheAmericaBug

Ryan Bolger / Assistant Professor of Church in Contemporary Culture (Fuller)

Blog: TheBolgBlog

Marvin Hutchens

Hutchens Blog

Rhett Smith


Andrew Jackson


Melinda Penner

STR Blog

Matthew Anderson

Mere Orthodoxy

Fred Sanders


Paul Spears


The GodBlogCon 2006 is hosted by the Torrey Honors Institute of Biola University. Register now!



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