Half of Rape Allegations are False: Seven Clues

NOW Chapter President
Desiree Nall
Admitted Rape Hoaxer It is a lie, that women never lie.
And when it comes to rape, women tell the truth about half the time.
Which creates a problem for law enforcement. When a woman cries, “Rape,” a crime has been committed. The challenge for cops is, who is the criminal — the man or the woman? Either a rape has occured. Or a slander has occured. The police officer could flip a coin to determine truth with equal statistical probability.
Or could he. Are there other indicators that law enforcement could use to determine the likelyhood of the crime of rape?
Elaine Donnelly, to whom I report to at the Center for Military Readiness has Sex, Lies, and Rape: How to Distinguish Truthful Allegations form False Ones.
She cites Eugene J. Kanin, Ph.D. and Charles P. McDowell, Ph.D. who have made a number of studies involving women who claimed rape, then recanted the charge — even under the criminal penalty of filing a false report.
Bottom line: Some women lie. Here’s how the legal eagles spot the liars:
1) Revenge — Is the girl out to get even with a man or boyfriend?
2) Alibi — Does the girl need an explanation for having sex?
3) Emotional Instability — Does the girl have problems or a desire for attention?
4) Timeliness — How long did she wait to report the crime? — Some women take a year to file a police report.
5) Physical Evidence — There may not be any.
6) Self Inflicted Wounds — But never sensitive areas: no lips, eyes, gentialia, nipples.
7) Incapacitated — Drunk or drugged remembering few details.
These clues are merely clues, but can help alert investigators on the credibility of a complainant.
Donnelly quotes Warren Farrell, a former board member of the National Organization for Women who matured from a male feminist to an advocate of truth and equality that does not discriminate against men,
False accusations are not a rarity, they are themselves a form of rape…
But not all NOW-ists have so matured. Wendy McElroy writes about one Desiree Nall, that,
On April 8, [2005] the president of the Brevard, Fla., chapter of the National Organization for Women was charged by the Florida state attorney’s office with filing a false rape report and making a false official statement.
She could be imprisoned for one year on each count and forced to pay for the police investigation she incurred. The case has far-reaching implications for gender politics and for women who report sexual assault in the future.
And the NOW chapter president recanted; the rape was a hoax, McElroy continues,
According to police, on Nov. 19, Nall phoned and asked to have the case dropped. When Detective Jon Askins questioned her original report, Nall reportedly confessed that she was “not a victim of a sexual batter.” The police speculate that Nall, a vocal feminist, may have been trying to “make a statement” about violence against women. The alleged rape occurred during Sexual Assault Awareness Week, which was intended to highlight the issue of sexual violence against women.
As feminist Cathy Young correctly says,
We need a serious, honest, open discussion on false accusations of rape. Being able to accuse someone of rape is a form of power (of course that’s true of any accusation, but a charge of rape packs a unique emotional and legal punch); and it would be naive to expect women never to abuse the power they have, just as it would be naive to expect it of men.
Our feminist friends should join us conservatives to focus scarce law enforcement resources on the actual crimes of criminals. And not waste time with liars, hoax-ers and false accusers.
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Thank you (foot)notes:
Your Business Blogger is proud to serve as the Vice President of the Center for Military Readiness.
Elaine Donnelly is quoted in Martha Mendoza’s AP Probe Looks at Recruiting Misconduct.
Wendy McElroy writes False Rape Accusations May be more Common Than Thought in Fox
Alec Rawls has clear thinking on the science.
Glenn Sacks is re-running an interesting column on Research Shows False Accusations of Rape Common.
Army veteran Billoblog has insight at False Rape Accusations Are Not Rare.
Cathy Young has Who says women never lie about Rape? in Salon. Cathy Young blogs and has a post on Rape, lies, and videotape.
Columbian Journalism Review has analysis.
Alas (a blog) has False Rape Reports.
Update 19 Sept 2006 — Also see another ‘Victim” in the Washington Post.

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