Media Alert: Plan B Debate on ABC News Now

Cross post from Jack Yoest at Media Alert.
Charmaine will be on ABC News Now at 12 noon EST talking again about Plan B.
You can watch streaming video live online here. Subscription based.
Charmaine’s boss, Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council says,
Today President Bush threw his support behind Dr. Andrew von Eschenbach’s plan to approve Plan B for over-the-counter (OTC) sale to women 18 and older, while keeping it prescription (Rx) for teen girls. The FDA lacks the legal authority to approve “dual status” marketing of the same dosage of a drug, and they lack the authority to enforce an age-restriction. How will the FDA ensure that Barr Laboratories confines OTC sale of Plan B to women 18 and older? Indeed, the CEO of Barr has already told the press that it can’t be held responsible for pharmacists who do sell Plan B to younger teens.

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Thankyou (foot)notes:
Charmaine blogs at Reasoned Audacity and is the wife of Your Business Blogger.

Last time this topic was mentioned here, I posted a link to me own blog.
Appropriately enough, my blog also mentioned it in another post since then:
Note that this was made before the FDA announced their intent to approve it OTC for over-18s.