Mike Bouchard Is Running for Senator

Michigan is a mess. In the last six years Michigan has lost 289,000 jobs. My favorite measure of a state’s desirability is its ranking on the number of people who move in, as compared to people who move out.
Michigan has the highest “outbound moves in the country” according to the Detroit news. One of Bouchard’s ads is a U-Haul truck to symbolize the exodus. But he could have used any moving company.
United Van Lines conducts a yearly study of household migration patterns. The mover reports that,
…”high-outbound” states…Michigan — From the inception of the study, Michigan has been an outbound state.
People don’t want to live in Michigan. Because they can’t earn a living there. Because you can’t do business there.
That’s not good for Michigan, and not good for the country.
So I thought I’d ask Mike what would be the first thing he’d do if he was elected senator.
“Make tax cuts permanent [and] regulatory relief,” he says.
Which would be the smart moves to encourage business creation in a particular state, or at least keep young workers from leaving.
Bouchard has additional initiatives to help small businesses:
Association Health Plans for small businesses.
Legal reform
Tax relief
Medical malpractice reform
Tap domestic energy sources
And he believes that women should not be in land combat, as the president has said.
Mike Bouchard has “A Plan to Get Results and Create Jobs” as his ad says.
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Thank you (foot)notes:
Mike Bouchard is running against Debbie Stabenow, a Democrat, who voted against funding a fence along the US – Mexican border.

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