The Women in Combat Debate and Celebrating Veterans' Day on Fox

Fox News here in Your Nation’s Capital is taping a segment on women in the military. The interview will air on the 11th. Veterans’ Day. I will be discussing the contribution of women in the uniformed services.
DoD photo by: SGT R. KLIKA
Date Shot: 20 Jun 1985Our women in uniform are serving with distinction and honor in our Armed Services. The nation is proud of our women in uniform for their outstanding contribution to the security of our nation. They have faithfully discharged their duty and oath of office to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. We are grateful for their service.
To defend out institutions and our way of life. Our women in the military have made sacrifices. And for too many, the supreme sacrifice.
Women have served with distinction in Iraq and Afghanistan in the global war on terror. There is no debate, no question on the patriotism of our women in the military and their contribution to our national security.
Nothing that has happened in Iraq and Afghanistan changes the debate on women in combat. That women have been placed in combat.
The President, the Commander in Chief, has said that women willl not be in [land] combat.
Congress has decreed that women will not be in land combat.
Army rule and req have forbidden the placement of women in land combat.
The American people have demanded that women not be placed in land combat.
Todate, 67 women in the service have died in Iraq and Afghanistan. In the Vietnam era only 17 women were killed. And most of those female casualties were nurses. We do not have to sacrifice our women in combat.
What has changed?
During the Clinton era army regulations were weakened to where women are now exposed to a substantial risk of capture. The end results of this change has been tragic. As we now have seen with the capture, torture and murder of our female soldiers.
We are proud of our women in the military. But we did not send them off to a war zone to be killed and captured in combat.
Double Standards involving Women (DSIW)
…here’s what a 22-year-old man and woman must do to “max” (get a perfect score of 300) the physical fitness test in each service.
Marine men must do 20 pull-ups, 100 sit-ups and run three miles in 18 minutes. Women Marines must hold the flexed-arm hang for 70 seconds, do 100 sit-ups and run three miles in 21 minutes.
Army men must do 75 push-ups, 80 sit-ups and run two miles in 13 minutes. Women soldiers must do 46 push-ups, 80 sit-ups and run two miles in 15:35.
Women are held to lower physical standards than men. Lower physical standards can jeopardize mission accomplishment and evacuation of wounded fellow soldiers.
Only about 3% of military women test as well in physical training as the average male. Women have much to offer in knowledge, skills and abilities to our armed forces. Man-handling an 80 pound back isn’t one of them.
If one of our soldiers is wounded, do we know that a female could move her buddy to safety?
This doubt, this hesitation on rescue is what destroys unit cohesion.
Women in combat does not improve the ability of our Army to fight and win.
Pullups. Men have to do them. Women don’t. Double standards. For the feminists.
Thank you (foot)notes: Update: The interview was bumped. We’ll let you know when segment is re-scheduled. Your Business Blogger serves as the Vice President of the Center for Military Readiness

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