Rush Limbaugh Does DC for the Fisher House Foundation



Rush Limbaugh, the program

Rush Limbaugh gave a red meat speech to a red state audience to a sold out crowd at the Warner Theater in Washington, DC last week. The 1,800 plus capacity was treated to a two hour stand up of vintage Rush.

Rush led off with Howell Heflin’s old joke about Ted Kennedy’s “off shore drilling.” It is funny the first four times one hears it. But most still laughed.

His delivery and timing were that of a practiced professional — Rush referred to his “notes” infrequently. Notes in quotes because it looked like he scratched out something on the back of a cocktail napkin.

His talk was done from memory.

And it was entertainment and education at its best. Charmaine and Your Business Blogger were honored to be in the class as the guests of Rebecca Hagelin, the VP of Communications for Heritage.

The real purpose of the evening’s show was raising money for the Fisher House.

There is at least one Fisher House TM at every major military medical center to assist families in need and to ensure that they are provided with the comforts of home in a supportive environment. Annually, the Fisher House TM program serves more than 8,500 families, and have made available more than two million days of lodging to family members since the program originated in 1990.

Consider a contribution to the Fisher House. Denzel Washington donates as a trustee of the Fisher House.


Thank you (foot)notes:

Rush Limbaugh’s speech transcript and audio available at Rush 24/7.

Management Training Tip: When your presentation is important, memorize it.

More on the Warner Theater at the jump.

From (unpaid link):

Washington, D.C.’s historic Warner Theater has a history that reads much like the few other surviving 1920’s boom movie palaces. What began as a grand and elaborate stage for vaudeville performances and silent movies could not last under the increasing changes to the entertainment and social economy. The owners of the Warner tried everything from movies, to plays, to concerts, and even more elicit things to keep the Warner profitable, but the art–deco theater certainly fell onto hard times. However, unlike most of the other surviving movie palaces, the Warner generally managed to keep its doors open, at least until 1989 when the Warner finally had to close its doors for three years in order to undergo dramatic renovations that would bring it up to the standards of other theaters in the country. In 1992, the Warner Theater re-opened to rave reviews, and has since continued to inspire the cultural and socioeconomic revitalization of downtown Washington, D.C


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