Media Alert: Charmaine on Tucker Today on MSNBC

Tucker Carlson Charmaine will be on Tucker Carlson today, Wednesday to talk about sex. The out-of-wed-lock kind.
The AP reports, Wait Until Marriage? ‘Extremely Challenging’
A 2002 survey of about 12,500 men and women found that 97 percent of people who were no longer virgins at age 44 had sexual intercourse for the first time before they married.
By age 20, only 12 percent of people interviewed had married, but 77 percent had sex, and 75 percent had sex before marriage. By age 44, 99 percent of people were no longer virgins, 95 percent reported having had premarital intercourse, and 85 percent had married at some point.
MSNBC Charmaine has another take on the topic. Tune in today and let us know what you think. Hit time is 4:20 Eastern.
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Extremally challenging? Boardering on impossible perhaps, if you want to use it as policy.
Far better to admit that most people are going to have sex before marriage, probably with multible partners, and nothing you can do will stop them – but at least try to minimise the damage with some comprehensive sex-ed.
Just saw John’s comments to Isabelle on the Schoppa Family Blog, probably from some time ago. It hasn’t really been a fully-functioning blog since we use it mostly to share photos. But I’m thinking of learning more about this blogging business since it seems to be the wave of the future…
Can’t believe your kids are growing up so fast. And Charmaine, quite impressive how you’re making an impact on the policy debate in DC!
Hope to run into you all one of these days. Any chance you’ll make a return visit to Cville?
Len Schoppa