Art Buchwald: Dead, Humor Lives On



Art Buchwald Art Buchwald has died. Everyone has a favorite Buchwald ditty.

Mine is from the Vietnam era, that might apply in today’s Global War on Terror.

Art Buchwald said that we lost Vietnam because we didn’t have a war song to send the troops off. (Or welcome the Vets home.)

Buchwald suggested,

Pack up your napalm in your ol’ kit bag

and bomb, bomb, bomb…

Without negotiation

There’ll be escalation

And we won’t stop bombing

‘Til it’s over,

Over there.

Lord willing, we will win this war. Maybe Buchwald didn’t intend this, but the humorist left us a good song to encourage us. To win over there.


Thank you (foot)notes:

ART BUCHWALD: 1925-2007

Satirist found humor even at life’s end

Patricia Sullivan, Washington Post

Art Buchwald, the newspaper humor columnist for more than a half-century who found new comic material in the issues that come up at the end of life, died of kidney failure Wednesday night at his son’s home in Washington, his family announced Thursday. He was 81.

More from the Washington Post.


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