Reasoned Audacity Milestone: 300,000 visitors!


Thank you so much for reading Reasoned Audacity!

If you think you were our 300,000th visitor — see below, please comment. The first commenter will receive a copy of Charmaine’s book Mother in the Middle: Searching for Peace in the Mommy Wars, published by HarperCollins. If your comment is not the first, but is more clever than creditable, we might send you a book anyway.



Alert Readers will remember that Reasoned Audacity will be two years old in two days. We launched on 23 February 2005 writing about Tocqueville. And the freedom of association of blog writers and readers.

Thank you for reading at least one of our 1,197 posts.

We remain in your debt, Charmaine and Jack.


Bill Maher with Mother in the Middle.


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3 Responses

  1. gid says:

    Okay, how about this. I live in Chattanooga, TN. One of the sister cities of Chattanooga is Hamm, Germany. Monchengladbach in only a 140Km drive from Hamm. I think that makes the book rightfully mine. 🙂

  2. Hey congrats! I’m sure it wasn’t me who was your 300,000 visitor but I do visit all of the time. How’s this for a great comment about your book – did you know that you can get your book for one cent at – plus shipping 🙂