And The Winner Is…
Mother in the Middle gid — who blogs at
Forget the Academy Awards, gid really has the talent and entertainment. And is a class act to boot.
gid won our contest and will be receiving a copy of Mother in the Middle.
Your Business Blogger and Charmaine were interested in the winner who was from Monchengladbach, Germany.
But we were going to exercise some geographic license in favor of a salon-worthy retort.
TheGidcumbs came thru.
Here is their winning response to our search for visitor number 300,000:
Okay, how about this. I live in Chattanooga, TN. One of the sister cities of Chattanooga is Hamm, Germany. Monchengladbach in only a 140Km drive from Hamm.
I think that makes the book rightfully mine. π
Indeed it does. An autographed copy is on the way.
Thank you for reading and commenting.
I’m all lightheaded now. Thank you for all the kind words.
You are kidding right? What me pointing out that your book is worth a cent at Amazon isn’t good enough! Augh..who would’ve thunk π
By the way, if you’re interested in a few good podcasts I have some interviews from the Restore America conference now uploaded. I have one from Judge Pickering and also ken Hutcherson. Soon I’ll have one with Herb Titus and David Brog…
Stay tuned….
Oh, and by the way, if you could like Active Christian Media I would be indebted to you π