Vote For Mike Huckabee In Virginia

Mike Huckabee
on bass guitar
I Like Mike! Be sure to remember to vote tomorrow, Tuesday, February 12th for Mike Huckabee.
Your Business Blogger and Charmaine will be voting for Huckabee.
Please join us.
From the Republican Party of Virginia,
REMINDER: Virginia Primary on Tuesday, February 12
Submitted by Josh Noland on Fri, 02/08/2008 – 12:44.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, February 8, 2008
RICHMOND, VA – The Republican Party of Virginia is encouraging registered voters to head to their local polling locations on Tuesday, February 12 to participate in Virginia’s Republican primary.
Voters should go to their normal polling locations, and polls will be open from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
The Republican primary is open to all registered Virginia voters.
“The Republican Party is putting forward a strong field of candidates who are vying to become our party’s nominee for president in 2008,” stated RPV Chairman John Hager. “The Republican field offers a stark contrast to the democratic candidates who are out of step with mainstream Virginia voters and lack the experience to lead our country forward. I encourage Virginia voters to turnout on February 12th, vote in the Republican primary, and have their voices heard.”
Six candidates will appear on Virginia’s Republican primary ballot. These candidates include:
Rudy Giuliani
Mike Huckabee
John McCain
Ron Paul
Mitt Romney
Fred Thompson
Virginia’s Republican primary is winner-take-all and will bind its Delegates on the first round of balloting at the Republican National Convention. For more information on becoming a Delegate to the National or State Conventions, visit our website,
Thank you (foot)notes:
Full Disclosure: Charmaine has served as an adviser to the Huckabee campaign.
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