MEDIA ALERT: Charmaine on FOX News with Martha McCallum & Glen Beck

Glenn Beck on CNN Today is Cinco de Mayo. Memorable for Your Business Blogger(R) for a number of reasons. One of which is our anniversary. The guys say this is not fair — because it is so easy to remember…
So Charmaine and I are a-celebrating. Off to New York City. The Big Apple. See some old friends. Take in a couple of shows. Charmaine is looking forward to them…
I wish I was with her.
She will be appearing on The Glenn Beck Program: The Fusion of Entertainment and Enlightenment. (Which might be about the best reason to tune in CNN these days. CNN is trying.)
Delectare et Docere
She will debating the wisdom of the trend for co-ed dorms in institutions of higher education. See more at the jump.
Hit time is 7pm and 9pm eastern on CNN HeadLine News. Tune in and let us know what you think.
Martha McCallum on FOX Charmaine will also be appearing on the FOX News Live Desk with Martha McCallum to discuss today’s hot topics:
Michigan and Florida Delegates, Celebrity Endorsements, Oprah Winfrey in Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s church.
Hit time is 1pm eastern on FOX News.
Thank you (foot)notes:
National Review Online is running an article by Your Business Blogger(R) and Charmaine on Hillary Clinton’s management style:
JACK & CHARMAINE YOEST: The woman can’t manage. “Bad Management” 05/05 4:00 AM More at the jump.
Please email us your comments.
May is also the anniversary of getting my car. (This is important to car guys.)
To the Astonishment of Some Parents, Colleges Allow Coed Dorm Rooms,
Erik Youngdahl and Michelle Garcia share a dorm room at Connecticut’s Wesleyan University. But they say there’s no funny business going on. Really. They mean it.
They have set up their beds side-by-side like Lucy and Ricky in “I Love Lucy,” and avert their eyes when one of them is changing clothes.
“People are shocked to hear that it’s happening and even that it’s possible,” said Youngdahl, a 20-year-old sophomore. But “once you actually live in it, it doesn’t actually turn into a big deal.”
In the prim 1950s, college dorms were off-limits to members of the opposite sex. Then came the 1970s, when male and female students started crossing paths in coed dormitories. Now, to the astonishment of some Baby Boomer parents, a growing number of colleges are going even further: coed rooms….
Debbie Feldman’s 20-year-old daughter, Samantha, is a sophomore at Oberlin in Ohio and plans to room with her platonic friend Grey Caspro, a straight guy, next year. Feldman said she was shocked when her daughter told her.
“When you have a male and female sharing such close quarters, I think it’s somewhat delusional to think there won’t be sexual tension,” the 52-year-old Feldman said. “Maybe this generation feels more comfortable walking around in their underwear. I’m not sure that’s a good thing.”
Still, Feldman said her daughter is partly in college to learn life lessons, and it’s her decision. Samantha said she assured her mom she thinks of Caspro as a brother.
“I’m really close to him, and I consider him one of my really good friends,” she said. “I really trust him. That trust makes it work.”
BYRON YORK: President Clinton isn’t on the outs in the campaign. He’s on the cutting edge. “Bill Clinton, Right Where He Oughta Be” 05/05 6:45 AM
JIM GERAGHTY: Had Barack Obama Sr. been around for Barack Obama Jr., the senator would almost certainly be a different man today. “A Tragedy of a Father and Son” 05/05 4:00 AM
RICH LOWRY: It’s only as compared to Obama, of course, that Clinton looks like a curmudgeonly traditionalist. “How Hillary Became a Social Conservative (Sort Of)” 05/05 4:00 AM
JACK & CHARMAINE YOEST: The woman can’t manage. “Bad Management” 05/05 4:00 AM
J. T. YOUNG: This process could be deadly for Dems. “Primary Fear” 05/05 4:00 AM
MARK STEYN: It’s a bit like Churchill promising to fight them on the beaches and never surrender, and then surrendering a month and a half later, and on a beach he decided not to fight on. “Grandma Got Over at the Press Club” 05/03 9:30 AM
MICHAEL BARONE: It’s too early to say that the bottom is falling out for Obama, but there are some disturbing signs. “Obama Descending” 05/03 12:00 AM

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