Save the Date: September 27, 2008; Women in Leadership

The Women in Leadership & Philanthropy program, is hosting a conference at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville.
You are invited.
Charmaine will be speaking from her experience as a senior adviser to the Huckabee for President campaign.
Alert Readers will recall Charmaine also served in the Reagan Administration as a White House (unmolested) intern .
She also served in the Office of Presidential Personnel under Bob Tuttle, current Ambassador to the Court of St. James’s.
The Women in Politics panel is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 27, 2008, from 9:30 to10:45 a.m., at the Darden School’s Abbott Auditorium.
From UVA,
…[S]peakers on this panel: UVa. alums
Charmaine Yoest [Ph.D.] (Family Research Council, former adviser to Mike Huckabee) [confirmed]
Cheryl Mills (advisor to Hillary Clinton) [confirmed],
and Janet Napolitano (Governor of Arizona) [awaiting confirmation].
We may also ask [other] alums… The panel will be moderated by Vesla Weaver, assistant professor of politics and a UVA alum as well.
At this point, our conception of the Women in Politics panel is:
More than ever before, women – Republicans, Democrats and Independents – are making a difference in the American political arena and U.Va. alumnae are among those leading the way. Please join us for a panel discussion of the contemporary role of women in American politics.
Potential topics include the 2008 presidential election, the historic role of Senator Hillary Clinton’s candidacy and the short list of women who may be considered as vice presidential nominees in both major political parties.
For more information on the conference, please visit the conference Web site.
Thank you (foot)notes:
Tips for visiting Mr. Jefferson’s University. While at UVA, never say ‘campus.’ Say ‘grounds.’
Address Ph.D.’s not as ‘Dr.’ but as ‘Mr.’ or ‘Ms.’ in keeping with our third president’s sense of fraternite and Voltaire and all things French. Egalite run amuck.
See Christopher Hitchens on Thomas Jefferson.
Work and Family: One Size Does Not Fit All
Your Business Blogger(R) of Management Training of DC, LLC, is an adjunct professor of management at NOVA and a licensed agent for the William Oncken Corporation.
More at the jump.
Contact either Tommy Deroberto or Jenny Wyss-Jones. Tommy Deroberto, a Ph.D. student at the Curry School of Education, is assisting Jenny Wyss-Jones, director of Women in Leadership & Philanthropy, with organizing the conference.
Thomas M. Deroberto
Graduate Student
Curry School of Education
Jennifer A. Wyss-Jones
Office of Development and Public Affairs
Assistant Campaign Director
Director, Women in Leadership & Philanthropy

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