Obama: When Does Life Begin?

A question for Obama: If fatherhood begins at conception, when does the baby become the father’s child?
Abortion should be debated. Obama needs to tell us when he thinks Life begins and when does the baby have the right to life as stated in our Declaration of Independence,
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Unalienable means that the Right cannot be given nor taken away: Rights are endowed by our Creator, not government.
There is no right to slavery; there is no right for abortion.
It is the Right to Life.

When the founding fathers
were framing the constitution, abortion was a non-issue. It happened,but
no one even discussed it.
If any of the framers had even mentioned abortion at a meeting,let alone making it illegal, the others would have thought he was out of his mind!
Nowhere in the constitution does it say that all women who are pregnant must bear those children, even if it is against their will, or else.
It is not only disingenuous but ludicrous to use the constitution as
an excuse to deny women the right to choose an abortion.
When the founding fathers
were framing the constitution, abortion was a non-issue. It happened,but
no one even discussed it.
If any of the framers had even mentioned abortion at a meeting,let alone making it illegal, the others would have thought he was out of his mind!
Nowhere in the constitution does it say that all women who are pregnant must bear those children, even if it is against their will, or else.
It is not only disingenuous but ludicrous to use the constitution as
an excuse to deny women the right to choose an abortion.
Robert, it is the duty of government to protect life and property.
No where in the Constitution is a mother given the option of killing her baby.
The right to life supersedes any inconvenience or loss of power by the mother.
There is no “right” to kill an unborn child.
Goodness, is this so hard to understand?
Do tell.