Palin in Church and Charmaine Quotes

Our liberal leftist friends do not know what to make of Sarah Palin.
They do not understand her faith in Jesus Christ.
They do not understand her leadership.
They do not understand her family.
They do not understand her husband.
They do not understand her ability to persuade.
They do not understand her politics.
They do not understand her ability to win.
They do not understand her love of the military.
They do not understand her motherhood of 5.
They do not understand her balancing work and home.
They do not understand her love of small-town America.
They do not understand her pro-life (com)passion.
Watch her short talk in a church in Alaska,
GOP strategist Ed Rollins called her performance last nite at the convention “magical.”
Weekly Standard editor Fred Barnes observes that her manner of communication is natural and cannot be taught. Sarah Palin has both content and style.
Charmaines is quoted: has a substantial interview, From discouragement to excitement, by Sarah Pulliam
Americans United for Life Action president Charmaine Yoest is both relieved and excited about Sen. John McCain’s vice presidential pick. Yoest spoke with me about the difference between last week and this week.
Last week, you saw the conservative base of the Republican Party really demoralized and discouraged when they were hearing all the talk about putting in a pro-abortion vice presidential pick. Now with such a solid platform coming out of the deliberations last week and a solid pro-life ticket, everybody’s really excited.
People have been talking about the broadening of the evangelical agenda. Do you think that’s happening?
As the leader of a pro-life organization, I find it really troubling when people try to juxtapose a pro-life agenda with other issues, like poverty, and saying there’s some sort of zero-sum gain, that if you concentrate on life issues that doesn’t mean you don’t care about other issues as much.
13 WMAZ, For McCain, 6 Keys to Victory,
“There is an authentic McCain voice on these issues,” says Charmaine Yoest, president of Americans United for Life. “He has to find it and use it.”
On CNN HeadLine News, yesterday afternoon, Charmaine said that Sarah’s husband, “Is being airbushed out of the picture,” by the unhappy feminists. writes, Republican Party Cmte OK Strong Pro-Life Platform Condemning Abortion
“We call for a ban on human cloning and a ban on the creation of or experimentation on human embryos for research purposes” and a “ban on all embryonic stem-cell research, public or private.”
Charmaine Yoest, the president of Americans United for Life, updated on the changes.
“Very late in the day, a pro-life ally advanced an argument which opened the door to embryonic-destructive stem cell research. The amendment offered would have undermined the section’s clear language banning embryonic stem cell research,” she said.
“As you can imagine, the discussion became pretty intense,” she added.
“After significant back-and-forth among the delegates — which was punctuated by an adjournment to a side conference in a hallway where the delegates standing up for a strong ban were ‘encouraged’ to give way — the final language remained firm on an unequivocal ban on embryonic-destructive research and experimentation,” Yoest said.
“We can take deep satisfaction tonight in knowing that the platform recommended to the party by the committee will be a strong pro-life document,” she told
Values Voter News writes,
Dr. Charmaine Yoest, president and CEO of Americans United for Life, said although this is not what Sarah Palin wished for her daughter, “the way we react to life’s challenges is the true testament to our character.” But all this attention has brought to light an important issue!!! “Until Monday, teen pregnancy and sex education were not issues in the national political campaign. According to the Associated Press, Sarah Palin — in a 2006 questionnaire distributed to gubernatorial candidates — said that “explicit sex-ed program will not find my support.”
Not everyone is happy. McCain’s Capitulation to the Religious Right Now Complete,
Charmaine Yoest, Americans United for Life: “And then when [Palin] was announced — it was like you couldn’t breathe. [We] were grabbing each other and jumping up and down.”
The Canberrra Times from Austrialia reports Palin’s teen daughter pregnant,
Charmaine Yoest, Head of Americans United for Life, said, “We join them in welcoming this new life.”
She closes at 2pm this morning summing up the Sarah speech, emailing, It was amazing! She was so great! Just came out of the CNN after-party, now stuck in the shuttle cause of protestors!!
A high-tech liberal abortion advocate who lives in both Alaska and Colorado (no, I’m sure that he doesn’t vote in both states…) says, I’m speechless. I don’t think I even know how to process this anymore.
OK, so Your Business Blogger(R) would not approve of tatoos. If this is her first born’s biggest “fault” then the country will be just fine under a McCain administration. See Looking For A Job…With Tattoos? and Scars Are Tattoos…With Better Stories.
Alert Readers will recall that we are the biggest fans of Ed Rollins when Charmaine worked with him on the Huckabee campaign.

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