Sarah Palin on Abortion: What is Her Record?

When the story broke on the announcement of Sarah Palin as McCain’s VP pick Dan McConchie from Americans United for Life released a fact sheet on her record,
So what are Sarah Palin’s views? While she’s been Governor of Alaska, there has only been one piece of pro-life legislation pass the legislature…She does have several statements about her views and about her son Trig whom she carried to term even though she knew in advance that he had Down syndrome:
“Alaskans know I am pro-life and have never wavered in my belief in the sanctity of every human life.”
Palin Responds to Expanded Call Request
I am pro-life…”
Campaign website,, “Issues” Nov 7, 2006
[Referring to her and her husband] “We’ve both been very vocal about being pro-life. We understand that every innocent life has wonderful potential.”
“John McCain, here’s your vice president”, Nat Hentoff, World Net Daily, May 28, 2008
“I’m pro-life. I’ll do all I can to see every baby is created with a future and potential. The legislature should do all it can to protect human life.”
Palin Speaks to Newsmax About McCain, Abortion, Climate Change Newsmax, August 29, 2008
[Regarding her son Trig who has Down syndrome] “I’m looking at him right now, and I see perfection. Yeah, he has an extra chromosome. I keep thinking, in our world, what is normal and what is perfect?”“John McCain, here’s your vice president”, Nat Hentoff, World Net Daily, May 28, 2008
“Trig is beautiful and already adored by us. We knew through early testing he would face special challenges, and we feel privileged that God would entrust us with this gift and allow us unspeakable joy as he entered our lives. We have faith that every baby is created for good purpose and has potential to make this world a better place. We are truly blessed.”
“McCain Selects Strongly Pro-life Governor”,, August 29, 2008
Palin signed into law a measure that will provide immunity for a parent who leaves an unharmed infant no more than 21 days old with a police officer, medical personnel, hospital employee and emergency services personnel. The infant can also be left with any person the parent feels will act in the infant’s best interest. Although the person receiving the newborn is required to ask about the infant’s identity and medical information, the parent is not required to provide the information. The law went into effect on May 11, 2008. Previously, AK had been on of only one of four states without such a law.
…[S]he opposed the activist Alaska Supreme Court decision striking down the state’s parental consent law, and she supports a constitutional amendment in Alaska requiring parental consent for abortion.
She called this ruling “outrageous” and asked Attorney General Talis Colberg to file legal papers asking for a re-hearing. Since the decision, she appointed Daniel Winfree of Fairbanks to replace one of the judges who sided with the majority in overturning the consent statute. That earned her praise from Alaska Right to Life, the state’s leading pro-life group.
In August 2006, she told the Anchorage Daily News, she recognized the struggle young women face in an unplanned pregnancy saying, “no woman should have to choose between her career, education and her child.” For Palin, there is no inconsistency between advocating for women and taking a pro-life position. “I believe in the strength and the power of women, and the potential of every human life,” she said
(Both quotes from Anchorage Daily News); quotes also available at LifeNews

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