Media Alert: Charmaine in CitizenLink;Conference Call with Americans United for Life

Charmaine was interviewed by CitizenLink, a publication of Focus on the Family.
Friday Five: Pro-Life Hero Charmaine Yoest
by Devon Williams, associate editor
‘With Barack Obama in the White House and Sen. Harry Reid and Rep. Nancy Pelosi controlling Congress, we confront a very difficult pro-abortion political situation.’
As the nation prepares for the most pro-abortion president in history, Charmaine Yoest vows to continue the fight to protect women and preborn children.
The new president and CEO of Americans United for Life (AUL) said she’s hopeful that, despite the challenges, life advocates will recharge and re-energize their efforts at the state and federal levels.
“The life movement will reassess and regroup for the next election cycle with new ways to communicate that even the weakest amongst us should be welcomed in life and defended in law,” Yoest said Wednesday.
Yoest spoke with CitizenLink about her pro-life work and her hopes for the future.
Read the entire interview here.
Charmaine also participated on a conference call with 60-some pro-life leaders across the country. Click here to listen. Forgive the extra click to the Americans United for Life web site.
Please Join
Fight FOCACandidate Obama promised Planned Parenthood that the first legislation that he would sign is the so-called “Freedom of Choice Act” aka FOCA.
Over 12,000 people have signed the Fight FOCA petition. Sign up today.
Bloggers: please lift the code and paste on your site — and let us know!
Thank you (foot)notes:
How does the party of death do it? How do they sell abortion? And how will Life win? See The Obama Abortion Marketing Machine, by Your Business Blogger(R).
“The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it,” Margaret Sanger, Founder Planned Parenthood
Little Saints in the Making

I just finished watching you on Fox News. I’ve been quietly watching you for years now, carrying the torch for the unborn child. Thank you, friend.
You may remember that we shared some growing up years in Wilmore (I’m Chuck and Jane Killian’s daughter).
I am moved by your commitment to be entrenched in the complete mess we call government and your willingness to be a voice for so many of us who have little influence in such critical matters. I invite you over to my blog today to read a post I’ve written entitled “Room to Breathe.” It speaks the penchant of my weary heart as it pertains to the rights of children.
God bless you in your work. I’ve now bookmarked you and will keep watch alongside you on behalf of the children.
peace~elaine killian olsen
Elaine, thank you for you thoughtful message. We were married in Estes Chapel, as you may know!
Your post was compelling
And we cannot thank you enough for putting the Fight FOCA code on your template!
You are a Saint.
And on the Other Side we will meet others who were rescued by your work.
Jack (and Charmaine)