Charmaine on Huckabee The Video

Charmaine appeared on Mike Huckabee’s Huckabee cable show on FOX this past Saturday and Sunday.
She debated the Octo-mom issue.
Please let us know what you think.
Thank you (foot)notes,
See Americans United for Life.
Visit Pro-Life Choices Network letter on FOCA.
Congressman John P. Murtha (D-PA) to Oppose FOCA on Vivficat.
Renewing My Faith, Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 writes,
I was really disappointed that Charmaine was not able to touch more on the important topics such as:
1. These Dr. are operating as self-regulated with no laws preventing them from what they are doing. The need to have public policy stating what is ethical for Dr. to perform.
2. Are these Dr. doing harm to the patient by implanting 8 embryos?…
Brook B asks good questions. Her interview was taped and was much, much longer but was edited down for the show. Many of the issues were covered in the original debate.
Your Business Blogger(R) is confident that the debate that Brook is looking for will be seen on Larry King Live tomorrow, Thursday, Feb 19, 2009 on CNN. Charmaine is schedule to appear and will continue the conversation.

Hi Jack,
Charmaine was great on Huckabee!
It was good to see her given an opportunity to complete a thought and put a few sentences together.
Do you guys want Huckabee to run for President again?
Children reflect the love that their parents shine on them. Having children to get attention or love is not good for children or other living things.
Keep up the good work, Walt
Thank you for the link to Vivificat!