Charmaine Quoted in Politico. What Does Obama Think of Pro-Lifers?What Does Obama Think of Veterans?

Your Business Blogger(R) teaches business at the local college and loves the ‘continuous learning’ life style. So when Jack Welch, Ph.D., former CEO of GE has something to say about management, this student takes notes.
Welch appeared on CNBC’s Squawk Box this morning and graded president Obama on leadership.
Welch said Obama on leadership earned an “A.”
(On leadership, said Welch; Not so on policy…)
Personnel is Policy, Ronald Reagan & Charmaine
Welch mentioned his criteria: Vision, Mission, Communication and Team Building.
Welch explained the value of having the right people on the president’s team — and how well the team works together because they each share the vision and mission of Obama’s America.
This is what president Reagan talked about in “Personnel is Policy” when Charmaine worked in the West Wing. You hire people who think as you would think — the boss should hire like minded deputies.
And this is exactly what Obama has done. Jack Welch is right. Obama’s managers want us all to love and worship Obama’s world (view).
So when an Obama Deputy – Napolitano — publishes a directive to law enforcement officials — those with the power to arrest — that Pro-Lifers and Veterans are a danger to America; all Americans know that this is exactly how Obama thinks.
What happens next? Obama is dividing our nation. People are not buying Obama’s vision for America. Texas talks about seceding (again). But this time the abolitionists Pro-Lifers will be in the south — not Massachusetts. Salena Zito writes,
Texas Gov. Rick Perry last week declared the federal government had become “oppressive in its size, intrusion into the lives of our citizens and its interference with the affairs of our state.”
Obama will push for the so called ‘Freedom of Choice Act’ or FOCA. Which will remove all local regulation of abortion and the offices where abortions are preformed. A social worker in a dirty back alley could do the baby-cutting.
Obama will allow open homosexuals to serve in the military which will destroy unit cohesion and effect our ability to complete any mission and will certainly cost American lives.
But red-blooded Americans are fighting back.
Charmaine was interviewed by Politico on the Obama backlash. CARRIE BUDOFF BROWN writes in Obama boosts anti-abortion efforts,
The first hint of a stir came just after Election Day, when the computer servers at Americans United for Life crashed. People were swamping the Web site to sign a petition urging President-elect Barack Obama to stand firm against abortion.
“I got a call from one of our guys, ‘We have a problem,’ ” said Charmaine Yoest, the group’s president and chief executive officer. “And I was like, ‘The problem would be what?'”
Tech-savvy Charmaine knows that servers being overwhelmed with internet traffic is a high-quality problem.
Obama does not care for veterans such as Your Business Blogger(R) nor the Pro-Lifers such as Americans United for Life.
Join Fight FOCA
Thank you (foot)notes:
An Alert Reader, fred5676 writes on Michele Malkin’s Confirmed: The Obama DHS hit job on conservatives is real,
So NumbersUSA and Americans United for Life are terrorist groups??? COUNT ME IN!!
Visit the Baptist Bulletin world news.
See the Pregnancy Resource Center at UAB; A student organization serving pregnant and parenting students on our campus,
More than 261,000 people have signed an online petition calling on Notre Dame to withdraw its invitation for Obama to speak at the Catholic university’s May 17 commencement. The petition says Obama has carried out “some of the most anti-life actions of any American president,” including expanding taxpayer-funded research on embryonic stem cells.
And Americans United for Life plans to expand its plans to expand its staff in Washington and, after the post-election crash, recently upgraded its computer system to handle the bump in online activism.
The King’s Good Servant and God’s First
Jill Stanek has excellent analysis at Anti-life (on steroids) Obama energizes pro-life movement
See Peter Shinn from Pro-Life Unity interview Dr. Charmaine Yoest.
Fight for Life here.
AUL Defends Doctors and Nurses
Oklahoma legislature would allow pregnant mother to use deadly force to protect unborn
Love Life no matter how small.
CNA — Oklahoma legislature would allow pregnant mother to use deadly force to protect unborn

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