Media Alert: Charmaine Quoted in National Journal, Internet Impact on the Supreme Court Nomination

Amy Harder, writing at the National Journal, interviewed Charmaine on the on-line battle on the up-coming Supreme Court Nomination. Also see nice quote from David All.
Online SCOTUS Rumble Sets Stage For Nomination Fight
Interest Groups And Media Observers Weigh In On What Influence The Internet Will Have On Upcoming High Court Battle, by Amy Harder, Thursday, May 14, 2009,
Americans United For Life says it has already seen an overwhelming response from its online supporters in discussions anticipating a nominee. “We had to upgrade the back end of our computer operation because we’ve seen such an outpouring of interest being more active on these issues,” said Charmaine Yoest, the anti-abortion group’s president. Her organization echoes a common concern on the right that Obama will nominate a judicial activist who will trigger a “dramatic shift in public understanding of the role of the courts,” Yoest said. “When you go down the path of accepting judicial activism as the norm, that dramatically increases the amount of power judges have.”
Yoest said her group will be ready to go right out of the gate once a nominee is announced. She said its “robust” online advocacy program, Facebook community and new IT system will mean “better, faster and cheaper” communication with supporters. “We’re ready whenever they bring it out,” she said. “There won’t be a huge delay.”
Charmaine predicts that the next Supreme Court Justice nominee will be a woman. a pro-choice, abortion advocate. See the AUL analysis here.
See Charmaine’s writing on “The Woman’s Chair.”
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