Charmaine Yoest Profiled in The Washington Post, a calm, articulate, smart abortion opponent…

The Washington Post has a fair and balanced report on Charmaine’s leadership at Americans United for Life,
Anti-Abortion Leader to Testify at Sotomayor Hearing, By Jacqueline L. Salmon
Charmaine Yoest, [Ph.D.] president [and CEO] of Americans United for Life, will be the only anti-abortion leader testifying at the confirmation hearings of Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor, the group announced today.
Americans United For Life… is the oldest anti-abortion group in the country. Founded in 1971, the group is involved in more than just anti-abortion causes. It also weighs in on issues related to health and biotechnology.
In a recent column for the Washington Times, Yoest wrote that Sotomayor is “more extreme” than Justice David Souter, whom Sotomayor is replacing.
Yoest is a calm, articulate, smart abortion opponent — the kind who gives abortion-rights supporters nightmares.
Since virtually the moment Sotomayor’s name surfaced as a possible Supreme Court candidate, AUL has been conducting vigorous opposition research. It has set up two Web sites, including that compares Souter to Sotomayor on a variety of issues, including abortion, end-of-life issues and the rights of abortion demonstrators.
Suffice to say that Sotomayor doesn’t fare too well. And it has also has, which lays out 10 questions that it says senators need to ask her.
Yoest plans to testify on Sotomayor’s involvement with the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund (FRLDEF), which she says proves that Sotomayor is an “abortion advocate.”
The group has pushed aggressively for an interpretation of abortion rights that would eliminate most or all state and federal abortion regulations while requiring state and federal funding of abortion, Yoest maintains.
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Read the entire WaPo story here.
Thank you (foot)notes:
Keep Charmaine in your thoughts and prayers as she prepares for her moot-court murder board in preparing for her testimony on Thursday.
Charmaine is concerned about Sotomayor’s friend of the court briefs on supporting all abortion-on-demand issues: no informed consent; no parental notification; and partial birth abortion is just fine. Sotomayor wants no medical regulation on any abortion until birth or perhaps beyond.
This is what Obama wants.
Be sure to watch and let us know how Charmaine’s hair is holding up in the humidity of Your Nation’s Capital in July. Hair is the biggest concern, of course, of Your Business Blogger(R).
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