Any PR Is Good PR, As Long As They Spell Your Name Right, Right?

Watch the adultery clip on Scarborough Country, MSNBC
Your Business Professor has students who regularly misspell my name. On a deliverable assignment.
The Alert Student will know that lacking such critical attention to detail might be bad form and getting the professor’s name right might be a prerequisite to earning an “A.”
Students and Media, it seem, have the same challenge with ‘Yoest.’
But how does one tell the difference?
Charmaine, on the Right (as usual) on MSNBC
The wife of Your Business Blogger(R), Charmaine, appeared on Joe Scarborough’s show a while back. She prepped using the 10 Tips for Your Big Show Biz Break. She was debating some of our some liberal friends over a New York Times article.
It said that cheating on a spouse can be good.
Your Business Blogger(R) advises against cheating on a spouse. Bad for the job. And business is a jealous mistress.
Anyway, Charmaine does her homework. And provides name, rank and serial number to the producer. Including her Ph.D. suffix. Those three letters cost me a million dollars and ten years. I insist on the lettering. She doesn’t care — I do.
I’m the shallow one; she’s not.
So. MSNBC would be considered — by some — to be a world-class organization committed to attention to detail.
But an MSNBC producer slipped up on the names and by-lines. Mistakes will happen. Guaranteed. Like leaving off suffixes.
And when the goofs go live, the professional doesn’t say die.
Whenever there is any kind of error in any form, in any forum, continue with your act.
Keep talking; keep singing; keep dancing, keep moving.
The show must go on.
At Last, The Correct By-line
Most of the time, your audience will never see the goof-up. The audience will see and remember the passion in your play.
It doesn’t matter if there is a conspiracy. Or merely incompetence.
Deliver your sound bite. Make the sale. And you will please your audience.
Thank you (foot)notes: See the adultery clip on Scarborough Country, MSNBC, here wmv file. Courtesy Peter Shinn.
Management Training Tip: If you will cheat on your wife, you will cheat on your business partners. Even if the New York Times approves.
Be sure to follow Your Business Blogger(R) and Charmaine on Twitter: @JackYoest and @CharmaineYoest
Jack and Charmaine also blog at Reasoned Audacity and at Management Training of DC, LLC.

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