Is Your Staff Getting the Job Done Right?

Your Business Blogger(R) advises clients and business-owning students. Two of the biggest challenges they mention is staff compliance (obedience) and proper action in the absence of direction (initiative).
“How can I get them to do a better job?” managers ask. “How do the big companies get things done?”
I am not so sure that managers at larger enterprises do much better than their small company brethren. We all have challenges.
Especially in customer service.
What’s missing?
I bought a new German car some twenty years ago and have put over 750,000 kilometers — well over 500,000 miles– on this marvel of Teutonic kraftsmanship.
The (very large) auto company awards an award to such high mileage drivers and their well-loved machines.
I got a 500K award a few years ago and just received my 750K award, suitable for framing and nifty grill medallion.
But I noticed something missing from my prestigious pronouncement.
The Award passed through a number of hands. And a Big Manager at the very large auto company signed it. No little expense was expended in the handling and packaging and shipping to Your Proud Business Professor.
He didn’t see what wasn’t there.
My Name.
If they can’t get my name on a silly certificate, how do I know they can build a car?
All that work and the staff at the very large auto company succeeded in making me think twice about ever spending six-figures on German engineering.
The simplest attention to detail will win and retain customers. Especially when the customer’s name is on the line.
Be sure to follow Your Business Blogger(R) and Charmaine on Twitter: @JackYoest and @CharmaineYoest
Jack and Charmaine also blog at Reasoned Audacity and at Management Training of DC, LLC.
Thank you (foot)notes,
See An Anniversary
In May of 1987 Your Business Blogger(R) bought a new car from American Service Center in Arlington, Virginia from former Redskin football player Joe Tereshinski.

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