Alert Students, MSBA 514, Stages in Project Managment, The Catholic University of America

Stage | Stage of Development | Stage Activities | Stage Deliverable(s) |
1 | Concept or Definition | Define the end customer need.Define the characteristics or features of the product, service or process that will be designed. | Description of the deliverable.Customer needs and requirements document. |
2 | Design | Design the product service or process.Review the design.
Validate or test the product, service or process design. |
Design plan(s) for creating the deliverable. |
3 | Develop, construct, install | Pilot and verify design.Train people.
Install equipment and/or build a facility. |
Constructed deliverable |
4a | Start-up, initial production | Implement the design.Produce and deliver initial product to the end customer.
Provide initial service to the end customer. Initial process runs |
Verified, tested, deliverable. |
4b | Production, operations and maintenance | Operate process at production levels for the end customer.(Usually not part of the project unless the project deliverable is a service.) | Deliverable performing or producing at expected levels. |
5 | Retire | Return resources (people, equipment and /or materials) to the organization.Dismantle equipment.
Dispose, recycle, or reuse material. |
Deliverable removed from service |
Stages in Project Management
The McGaw-Hill 36-Hour Course: Project Management, Second Edition, Helen S. Cooke and Karen Tate

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