The Consultant's First 14 Questions

The one word that would describe the consultant’s work to the client is value. Following are questions that the consultant is going to need addressed in any engagement.
This is also a worthy exercise for the promotion-worthy staffer and the Alert Student.
1. How do you define your business? (gov’t contractor, software developer, manufacturer?)
2. Can you describe an ideal customer? Can you describe a bad customer (assuming he is paying the invoices)?
3. Who are your competitors? Why are you better? What advantages does your competitor have? How do you stack up on the cheaper/faster/better scale?
4. What growth rate are you anticipating for the next three – five years? Why?
5. What are your three/five year profit projections? Why?
6. What are the company’s plans for expansion-New Markets-Products-Manpower-A Physical Plant?
7. How do you measure quality? What was the rate of quality improvement in the last three years?
8. How much has your company’s productivity (revenue per man-hour, value-added pr man-hour) increased?
9. If I handed you a “magic wand” that would allow you to change/fix….. what would it be?
10. Where would you like to start?
11. What are the strengths of your department/organization?
12. What are your goals in the next 12 months? Professional? Personal?
13. What are the obstacles that stand in the way of your group reaching its goals?
14. What do you need, in terms of additional resources or training, to do your job more effectively?
Thank you (foot)notes,
Be sure to follow Your Business Blogger(R) and Charmaine on Twitter: @JackYoest and @CharmaineYoest
Jack and Charmaine also blog at Reasoned Audacity and at Management Training of DC, LLC.

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