Case Study Grading Scale, The Catholic University of America


Case Study 20 point grading scale                   Class _______________

Name______________________________    Date ________________

From the syllabus of Your Business Professor: The Case Study will be an individual assignment presented in writing. A 100 word first draft will be turned in for credit. The final paper will be typed, 12 pt type, double-spaced with a cover sheet, 800 words in length, reviewed and signed by a friend and returned to the instructor on — or before — the date due.  The case study topic will be selected by the student from current events on a marketing challenge or as research for the Marketing Plan. The Alert Student will be prepared to deliver a five-minute oral presentation to the class.

Topic 2 points

Problem defined in one sentence
Topic relationship to student
Appropriate to class


Supporting Statements 4 points

Recommendations packaged for decision maker
Logical solution


Content 4 points

Result in past tense
Result compelling
So What?

Grammar 2 points

Sentence construction
Professional language

Appearance/Delivery 4 points

Cover sheet of assignment
Professional look of written paper
Professional oral delivery of paper


Follow Directions 4 points

Draft Paper turned in on time
Final Paper turned in on time
Paper reviewed by a second reader
Followed Problem, Solution, Result outline


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