MGT 101, Introduction to Business and Management,
E-Class Syllabus, Summer 2013

MGT 101 Introduction to Business and Economics, E-Class, Syllabus, Summer 2013. Printable copy: MGT 101, Into to Business Syllabus DRAFT Spring 2013
MGT 101 Introduction to Business and Management
[in contrast with MBU 100: Introduction to Business, 3.00 Credits by Metropolitan School of Professional Studies. Course description and all links should be centered on Business and Econ Web page]
Summer Semester, 2013
Credit Hours 3
Prerequisites or Department consent: Available to all CUA students
[Consent needed for non-MSBA students?]
On-Line [using BlackBoard blogging and discussion platforms]
Days and hours of class meetings:
May 13 to Aug 10, 2013 [length of course modeled on independent studies at CUA]
Asynchronous (no scheduled class meetings in real life) [to accommodate distant learners e.g., international students outside our time zone]
Instructor contact information:
Professor John Wesley Yoest, Jr. (Jack)
Room 309 McMahon Hall
620 Michigan Ave., N.E.
Washington, DC 20064
Cell phone 202.215.2434
All times are Eastern Standard Time
On-line Office Hours. A “Fast Back Hour” is 10 to 11 am Monday thru Friday where Your Business Professor will respond within 60 minutes.
Normal responses will be within 24 hours or by appointment.
[Lock out hours–unavailable 5pm Saturdays to 7am Mondays. Your Business Professor does not work on Sundays.]
Instructional Methods: [On-Line, Laboratory]
Course objectives and goals for student learning
Each student will have the desire to understand how business is conducted. At the completion of MGT 101 Introduction to Business and Management the successful Student will have the following Knowledge, Skills and Attitude:
Knowledge Things you will know
The MGT 101 introductory course provides the Alert Student with a broad overview of the components of business.
This course will review the basic terminology of the business world economic systems, the essential elements of business organization, production, human resource management, marketing, finance, risk management, general management and law.
Skills Things you will know how to do
The student will know how to use the language and vocabulary of business. The Successful Student will be able to outline the functioning of business enterprise within the U.S.A. economic framework. The course will help the student select their field of business specialization.
The student will know how to explain social and ethical implications to others (who don’t necessarily share your beliefs).
Attitude Beliefs you will hold, or at least understand
The mindset of the student will be to understand the value of their business vocation. To do this, the Student will actively listen, actively participate and actively cooperate. The individual will display a professional commitment to ethical practice in both private and public behavior.
There are unchanging moral truths that apply to life in general and business in particular. Business, done properly, is a service to society.
It is never right to act immorally in order to achieve a greater good.
Required Text:
Introduction to Business, Tenth edition. Pride, Hughes, and Kapoor. Cengage Learning, 2010.
Expectations and policies
Find a friend.
The student will be assigned two or three study partners. The Alert Student will exchange contact information with his/her team. Your Business Professor is not always the student’s first point of contact for routine questions.
Readings. The student will complete the chapter readings for the week.
Essays. A topic will be assigned on a Monday and a 800 word essay is due on the Discussion Board by midnight Wednesdays. This is a formal written assignment. The Alert Student will have a Study Partner review and offer edits. The student will be allowed to post only that week’s assignment with the class and not permitted to advance post future deliverables.
Response Essays. The student will then respond in 200 words to at least two other essays due on Fridays at midnight. Your Business Professor will moderate. This virtual class participation portion of the course grade is based upon the significance and quality of the student’s contribution to the discussion and activities. This is class participation where informal written “conversation” is acceptable. ? The Discussion Board will also be the class bulletin board for general class interests.
Quizzes: Expect a short quiz every week. Questions may be very short answer, or fill-in-the-blank. As with all E-Classes they are open book.
Examinations: There will be a Mid-Term and Final Exam; multiple choice, short answer and essay. The Final Exam will be given on 10 August 2013, the last day of class. The exams are a formal written presentation and may be comprehensive. The exams will be open book and posted privately to Your Business Professor on the BlackBoard module.
Term Paper: 2500 words in a formal written presentation. The student is encouraged to select a business topic on his/her career interest or experience. Drafts of the Term Paper will be due through out the course session. The Alert Student will work with Study Partners to review one another’s work and offer edits.
Even though this E-Class is self-paced and instructor led, deliverables must be delivered on time. No assignments will be accepted past the due date.
Academic honesty:
Academic honesty is expected of all CUA students. Faculty is required to initiate the imposition of sanctions when they find violations of academic honesty, such as plagiarism, improper use of a student’s own work, cheating, and fabrication.
The Student will not lie, cheat or steal, nor tolerate anyone who does.
Please review the complete texts of the University policy and procedures regarding Student Academic Dishonesty, including requirements for appeals, at
Professional Code of Conduct
The rules of business netiquette will be observed and enforced. Emoticons may be used in class “conversations” and on input on the Discussion Board. However, the Student’s written presentations for submitted assignments on the BlackBoard Blog should be professional and not have emotional keyboard helps.
Campus Resources for student support:
IT Help desk [coordination will be made with IT for this E-Class]
Library: Information 5070
Hours 5077
Writing Center 111 OB 4286
Counseling Center 127 OB 5765
Accommodations for students with disabilities:
Any student who feels s/he may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact the instructor privately to discuss specific needs. Please contact Disability Support Services (at 202 319-5211, room 207 Pryzbyla Center) to coordinate reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities. To read about the services and policies, please visit the website:
The student’s final grade will be calculated as follows:
Class Participation essays 20%
Essay response & Quizzes 20%
Term Paper 20%
Mid-term Exam 20%
Final Exam 20%
The following rubric will be used to assign final grades:
The Catholic University of America
Grade Points Equivalent
A 93 to 100 4.00
A- 90 to 92.99 3.70
B+ 87 to 89.99 3.30
B 83 to 86.99 3.00
B- 80 to 82.99 2.70
C+ 77 to 79.99 2.30
C 73 to 76.99 2.00
C- 70 to 72.99 1.70
D 65 to 69.99 1.00
F Below 65 0.00
I 1 Incomplete
W Withdrawal
F* Administrative Failure 0.00
Course Schedule MGT 101
May 13 to Aug 10, 2013
May 13 to 18, Ch. 1 Exploring the World of Business and Economics
May 20 to 25, Ch. 2 Being Ethical & Socially Responsible
Select Term Paper topic
May 27 to 31, Ch. 3 Exploring Global Business
Ch. 4 Choosing a Form of Business Ownership
June 3 to 8, Ch. 5 Small Business, Entrepreneurship, and Franchises; Submit Term Paper outline
June 10 to 15, Ch. 6 Understanding the Management Process
Ch. 7 Creating a Flexible Organization
June 17 to 22, Ch. 8 Producing Quality Goods and Services
Submit Term Paper first draft, 400 words
June 24 to 29, Ch. 9 Attracting and Retaining the Best Employees
Submit Term Paper second draft, 800 words
July 1 to 6, Ch. 10 Motivating and Satisfying Employees and Teams
Mid-Term Exam
July 8 to 13, Ch. 11, Enhancing Unions-Management Relations
Ch. 12 Building Customer Relationships Through Effective Marketing; Submit Term Paper third draft, 2500 words
July 15 to 20, Ch. 13 Creating and Pricing Products that Satisfy
Ch. 14 Wholesaling, Retailing, and Physical Distribution
July 22 to 27, Ch. 15 Developing Integrated Marketing Communications
Ch. 16 Understanding Information and e-Business
July 29 to Aug 3, Ch. 17 Using Accounting Information
Ch. 18 Understanding Money, Banking, and Credit
Term Paper Due
Aug 5 to Aug 11, Ch. 19 Mastering Financial Management
Ch. 20 Understanding Personal Finances and Investments
Final Exam
NOTE: This syllabus is subject to change by the instructor without notification. It may be amended at any time for any reason without notice by Your Business Professor. The class schedule, course content or tests may be modified without any prior notification.
Jack Yoest
John Wesley (Jack) Yoest Jr., is a senior business mentor in high-technology, medicine, non-profit and new media consulting. His expertise is in management training and development, operations, sales, and marketing. He has worked with clients across the USA, India and East Asia.
Mr. Yoest is an adjunct professor of management at The Catholic University of America. He is also the president of Management Training of DC, LLC.
He has been published by Scripps-Howard, National Review Online, The Business Monthly, The Women’s Quarterly and other outlets. He was a columnist for Small Business Trends, and was a finalist in the annual 2006 Weblog Awards in the Best Business Blog category for Reasoned Audacity at which covers the intersection of business, culture and politics. The blog has grown to receive some one and one-half million unique visitors in six years.
Mr. Yoest served as a gubernatorial appointee in the Administration of Governor James Gilmore in the Commonwealth of Virginia. During his tenure in state government, he acted as the Chief Technology Officer for the Secretary of Health and Human Resources where he was responsible for the successful Year 2000 (Y2K) conversion for the 16,000-employee unit. He also served as the Assistant Secretary for Health and Human Resources, acting as the Chief Operating Officer of the $5 billion budget.
Prior to this post, Mr. Yoest managed entrepreneurial, start-up ventures, which included medical device companies, high technology, software manufacturers, and business consulting companies. His experience includes managing the transfer of patented biotechnology from the National Institutes of Health to his client, which enabled the company to raise $25 million in venture capital funding.
He served as Vice President of Certified Marketing Services International, an ISO 9000 business-consulting firm, where he assisted international companies in human resource certification.
And he also served as President of Computer Applications Development and Integration (CADI), the premier provider of software solutions for the criminal justice market. During his tenure, Mr. Yoest negotiated a strategic partnership with Behring Diagnostics, a $300 million division of Hoechst Celanese, the company’s largest contract.
Mr. Yoest served as a manager with Menlo Care, a medical device manufacturer. While at Menlo, Mr. Yoest was a part of the team that moved sales from zero to over $12 million that resulted in a buy-out by a medical division of Johnson & Johnson.
Mr. Yoest is a former Captain in the United States Army having served in Combat Arms. He earned an MBA from George Mason University and completed graduate work in the International Operations Management Program at Oxford University.
He has been active on a number of Boards and has completed several 26.2-mile marathon runs, including the Marine Corps Marathon.
Mr. Yoest and his wife, Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D., who is president and CEO of Americans United for Life, a public interest law firm live in the Washington, DC area with their five children. Their first-born daughter is a member of the NCAA National Championship, Division I, 2012 Rowing Team at the University of Virginia.

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