Internship Syllabus, Summer 2013,
The Catholic University of America

The Catholic University of America
School of Business and Economic
MGT 300-01, 302-01, ACCT 300-01 INTERNSHIP
Summer 2013
Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites/Department consent: Departmental Approval
Instructor contact information:
Professor: Jack Yoest
Office location: McMahon Hall, 309
Office Telephone: 202.319.5290
Mobile Telephone: 202.215.2434
Office Hours: By appointment.
Class Duration May 20 to June 29, 2013 (six weeks)
Course Description
The student works as an intern (part-time, with or without pay) with a local firm, corporation, or commercially related government agency gaining on-the-job experience in a field related to the student’s academic pursuit of business and economics. Performance is evaluated on the basis of periodic reports from the student, a research project, and an evaluation by the student’s supervisor.
Recommended Texts
Alford, Helen J., O.P., and Michael J. Naughton. Managing as if Faith Mattered: Christian Social Principles in the Modern Organization. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2001. ISBN-13: 978-0-268-03462-7; ISBN-10: 0-268-03462-1
Time ManagementMeeting deadlines and scheduled appointments is a critical business skill. Throughout the summer, students will have scheduled conference calls and submission deadlines for various assignments. The student is expected to work independently, participate in scheduled conference calls, and attend pre-arranged meetings.
Academic IntegrityThe student handbook states that
A student who is involved in unethical practices in connection with any work required for a course is subject to a grade of F (failure) for the course and may not drop or withdraw from the course. Further penalties may be imposed in accordance with specific circumstances.
Campus Resources for student supportLibrary: Information 5070
Hours 5077
Writing Center 111 OB 4286
Counseling Center 127 OB 5765
Accommodations for students with disabilities: Any student who feels s/he may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact the instructor privately to discuss specific needs. Please contact Disability Support Services (at 202 319-5211, room 207 Pryzbyla Center) to coordinate reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities. To read about the services and policies, please visit the website:
Your final grade will be calculated as follows:
Time Management: 10%
Activity Reports: 30%
Term Paper 40%
Performance Evaluation 20%
Course letter grades will be determined using the following scale:
90 – 100% A 4.0 pts
80 – 89% B 3.0 pts
70 – 79% C 2.0 pts
60 – 69% D 2.0 pts
<60 F 0.0 pts
1. Job Description: The detailed descriptions of your tasks and duties should be sent by your employer directly to the instructor by e-mail ( Additionally, this job description should indicate the start and end dates of the Internship and its duration.
2. Research Paper: Each student must propose a research topic to be approved by the advisor. The research paper must address a topic related to an industry of interest to the student (ideally, the industry of the sponsoring company) and/or an organizational aspect of the sponsoring organization. The research paper must be at least 2,500 words in length (about ten pages excluding title page, table of contents, and references), double spaced, Times New Roman, 12pt font.
i) A table of contents
ii) An executive summary (one page)
iii) Purpose
iv) Analysis
v) Conclusion
3. Activity Reports: An activity report of at least 500 words in length will be due every 2 weeks OR as assigned by instructor (Total of three reports). The activity should discuss the student’s work and any special topics as assigned by the instructor.
4. Performance evaluation: Toward the end of the Internship, you should have the standard departmental performance evaluation form completed by your supervisor and sent directly to the instructor by email at:
1. Job Description Due: May 1, 2013
2. Research Report Topic Proposal: May 31, 2013
3. Research Report Due: June 26, 2013
4. Activity Reports: Every 2 weeks OR as assigned by instructor.
5. Performance Evaluation from the supervisor due to the instructor no later than June 28, 2012
6. Wrap-up Conference Call must be scheduled and completed by June 28, 2013
Please note that the following requirements (job description, research report topic proposal, research report, activity reports, and performance evaluation) must be submitted by e-mail directly to Professor Yoest at:
Please also note that the Internship is graded as a regular course. The grades for each of the above assignments will be lowered by a full letter grade for each day late.
Attention to Detail and Intellectual Property: No points or credit will be awarded for any project that does not have the student’s name on the work.
NOTE: This syllabus is subject to change by the instructor without notification. It may be changed at anytime for any reason without notice by Your Business Professor. The class schedule, course content or evaluation may be modified without any prior notification.
Jack Yoest
John Wesley (Jack) Yoest Jr., is a senior business mentor in high-technology, medicine, non-profit and new media consulting. His expertise is in management training and development, operations, sales, and marketing. He has worked with clients in across the USA, India and East Asia.
Mr. Yoest teaches graduate business students at The Catholic University of America. He is also the president of Management Training of DC, LLC.
He has been published by Scripps-Howard, National Review Online, The Business Monthly, The Women’s Quarterly and other outlets. He was a columnist for Small Business Trends, and was a finalist in the annual 2006 Weblog Awards in the Best Business Blog category for Reasoned Audacity at which covers the intersection of business, culture and politics. His publications are linked here: The blog has grown to receive over a million unique visitors in five years.
Mr. Yoest served as a gubernatorial appointee in the Administration of Governor James Gilmore in the Commonwealth of Virginia. During his tenure in state government, he acted as the Chief Technology Officer for the Secretary of Health and Human Resources where he was responsible for the successful Year 2000 (Y2K) conversion for the 16,000-employee unit. He also served as the Assistant Secretary for Health and Human Resources, acting as the Chief Operating Officer of the $5 billion budget.
Prior to this post, Mr. Yoest managed entrepreneurial, start-up ventures, which included medical device companies, high technology, software manufacturers, and business consulting companies. His experience includes managing the transfer of patented biotechnology from the National Institutes of Health to his client, which enabled the company to raise $25 million in venture capital funding.
He served as Vice President of Certified Marketing Services International, an ISO 9000 business-consulting firm, where he assisted international companies in human resource certification.
And he also served as President of Computer Applications Development and Integration (CADI), the premier provider of software solutions for the criminal justice market. During his tenure, Mr. Yoest negotiated a strategic partnership with Behring Diagnostics, a $300 million division of Hoechst Celanese, the company’s largest contract.
Mr. Yoest served with Menlo Care, a start-up medical device manufacturer. While at Menlo, Mr. Yoest was a part of the team that moved sales from zero to over $12 million that resulted in a buy-out by a medical division of Johnson & Johnson.
Mr. Yoest is a former Captain in the United States Army having served in Combat Arms. He earned an MBA from George Mason University and completed graduate work in the International Operations Management Program at Oxford University.
He has been active on a number of Boards and has competed in 26.2-mile marathon runs.
Mr. Yoest and his wife, Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D., who is president and CEO of Americans United for Life, a public interest law firm. They live in the Washington, DC area with their five children. Their first born daughter is an NCAA National Crew Champion at UVA. A son plays baseball at William & Mary.
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