CPAC: What Counts More, Issues or Attributes?
Here in Your Nation’s Capital, at CPAC this week conversation has centered on our Presidential candidates — and the acceptability of their positions.
Mike Huckabee and John McCain are said to be imperfect candidates because there are some disputes with one position or another.
But if they are “not conservatives” as some would say, then why are conservatives voting for them? And not a Romney or a Thompson?
Back in Iowa, Your Business Blogger asked Frank Luntz about his book on Words That Work, and what he thought was going on with the electorate.
He said that voters seem to be interested, “less in issues — but in the attributes of the candidates — are they believable?” Are they likable?
This seems to at least partially explain the success of Huckabee and McCain — there may not be perfection on issues, but people like and trust and believe these candidates: the attributes of the candidates are more important; in some ways even more than the positions on issues.
This also explains the success of Obama. Who has a rather thin record of achievement . . . but has an infatuated following. No one can point to what Obama has done, but he’s done it with panache.
Little Miss Attila, Charmaine and
Baby Boo at CPAC
Thank you (foot)notes:
Charmaine has served as an adviser to the Mike Huckabee campaign. Huckabee will be speaking at CPAC tomorrow, Saturday, at 9am. Be there!
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