Author: Charmaine Yoest

Victoria's Secret Turns to Vice

First, let me just state, that an extremely high percentage of the lingerie that I own has a Victoria’s Secret label in it. I hesitate to reveal something so personal, but it’s not exactly...


We crossed 100,000 at 8:11:29 tonight with a reader in Fairfax, Virginia. If that’s you, shoot me an email at charmaine-at-yoest-dot-org and I’ll send you your “I Think, Therefore I Blog” t-shirt! Hey, thanks...

Closing in on Visitor 100,000!

We’re at 99,973 — we’ll hit 100,000 some time this evening. Come on back and see if it’s you! Remember: the 100,000th visitor gets an “I Think, Therefore I Blog” t-shirt. Thanks for reading...

George Will Opposing Miers

Wow. George Will says that, “[I]t is not important that [Miers] be confirmed. . .it might be very important that she not be.”The White House should be worried about this. Via Drudge.

Cyber-Celebration Coming Later this Week!

Reasoned Audacity is quickly approaching a major milestone: the 100,000th visitor! Right now the sitemeter is reading 99,555. Less than 500 visitors more . . . we need a cyber-celebration! I really want to...