Category: Blogs

And The Winner Is…

Mother in the Middle gid — who blogs at Forget the Academy Awards, gid really has the talent and entertainment. And is a class act to boot. gid won our contest and will...

The Education Carnival is Up

And hosted by History Is Elementary, where, Quite simply History Is Elementary is a site for history teachers and anyone who enjoys reading about history and history education. Posts include opinions, information on content,...

The Carnival of Business Intelligence Is Up

And is expertly hosted by Business Intelligence Lowdown. You must visit just to see how Sagar Satapathy took his site to over 19,000 hits per day in two months. This is Business Intelligence. While...

John Hawkins Consulting for Duncan Hunter

RightWingNews Our good friend John Hawkins is working with Duncan Hunter. Our Representative from San Diego could have retained no better blogger than Hawkins. Congratulations, John …and Congressman Hunter. ### Thank you (foot)notes: Also...