True Wealth: Kid Cred

Children: The new status symbol. So says Simon Doonan at The New York Observer:
Onto the landscape of Manhattan, a new and lethal status symbol has alighted—and it’s causing the J.A.P.’s and WASP’s of the Upper East Side to quiver with envy. No, I’m not talking about those impossible-to-find strings of oversized Lanvin pearls wrapped in black mousseline. Or, for that matter, those $20,000 Rochas dresses that are selling before they hit the racks.
Yes, I’m talking about THE THIRD CHILD. Call it the Grace Kelly Syndrome. You can even call it the Demi Moore Syndrome. Either way, three is the new two! That critical third child—quite possibly the status symbol of this decade—will get you more Park Avenue cred than a fleet of Bentleys.
(Wait, I’m still stuck on the $20,000 dress. . . give me a moment. . . )
So if “three is the new two,” then how ’bout five??!! Woohoo! I’m in! I’ve got kid cred!
Here’s my favorite quote from the article — Liz Lange, maternity-wear designer: “Many of the customers she met when she first opened her eponymous store back in 1998 are now on their third or even fourth child, she reported.”
Italics in the original.
Yes, imagine. What kind of alien being would have a fourth child? To be serious: a lucky one. (A Peter Lawler kind of alien, an alien just passing through. . . )
It’s nice for a change to read that having more children is becoming trendy because many people do tend to look at the Penta-Posse a bit strangely when we are out and about.
“Mom, people are staring at us.”
“I know honey, I know. Stand up straight. Smile.”
Today’s Ballet Performance
Diva, Dreamer, Dancer
The truth is, each child brings richness and joy exponentially. This last week the Dreamer hit her ballet mark, the Dude hit a triple, the Diva hit her note, the Dancer hit her brother and Boo hit his stride . . .
A tip of the bonnet and new, must-read blog over at feminine-genius. They are on my “read every day” list.

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