Powerade at the Marine Corps Marathon!

When Jack and I trained for past marathons we floated Pepsi stock on the gallons of Gatorade we drank and spilled. Now, we’re training for the Marine Corps Marathon coming up in October and we won’t be drinking Pepsi products: it will be Coke’s Powerade for us.

Turns out everyone will be drinking Powerade! It’s the official drink of the race and, according to race HQ, “POWERade will be filling more than 180,000 cups across all 13 water points to aid runners in maintaining proper hydration.”
The water stations at a marathon are a sight to see . . . The Marine Corps Marathon has 30,000 runners participating — and they all need (a lot) to drink, and most don’t want to stop running, so every other mile there’s a major logistical effort involved in throwing hydration at the runners. Imagine 180,000 cups!
So hey: memo to Coca-Cola (maker of Powerade) — there’s time to roll out Camo-Ade in time for the Marine Corps Marathon!!
Major E. may still be thirsty. But if POWERade can get fluids to Washington, DC, Irag should not be far behind.
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Running with The Open Post at Mudville Gazette

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