Bono Rocking in Edinburgh Late into the Night

It’s ten minutes until midnight and I’m writing from Murrayfield Stadium here in Edinburgh, where 50,000 people have been rocking since 7:00. And they show no inclination toward going home. The roar of the crowd behind me is intense. . .
Bono, Bob Geldof and Midge Ure led the crowd in singing the Scottish national anthem minutes ago which segued into a set by Ure and his band with the crowd going crazy.
The organizers have been announcing since 10:00 that the trains and buses would stop running at 11:30 . . .but very few left.
Oh wait. Now here comes James Brown! Even your Audacious Blogger has got to go . . .
More later. Lots to tell you about what has been said here tonight.
* * *
2 AM UPDATE: Made it back to the hotel. But it was an adventure. We almost had to walk. Must. Sleep.
But quickly, just to goad you into coming back tomorrow for the full report, here’s what Geldof shouted as a challenge to “the eight men in one room:”
We’ve got 3.8 million people in our back pockets. What are you going to do about that?
Then he said they expected politicians to respond to the Live8 movement or:
When you come to us and ask for our approval at the ballot box: F**K OFF!
The crowd went wild.
(James Brown was terrific!)
While Geldolf was cussing Richard Anderson was praying.

I heard Bono – part of the ignorant Euroleft – whining that Americans weren’t doing nearly enough for Africa. This from someone who is endowed for life (because he is a ‘national treasure’) with complete freedom from taxation – he pays zero tax, of any kind. The US has (through public and private means) given in direct cash aide 15 times what the whole of the European Union nations have given to Africa. Bono fans haven’t a clue re. the man’s total hypocrisy – they just drink the pink kool-aid, and believe anything he says.
Don’t wonder at why so many in London seem to be reading from the same play book – the power of lying suggestion always does the trick for those without reliable sources of truth.