Dianisis and Dian: Planned Parenthood Golden Gate

Yesterday, I wrote about the video clip Planned Parenthood has been circulating with its Superwomyn heroine, Dianisis.
Then, in the comments, “Askrom” noted that: “The heroine is a dead ringer for the Planned Parenthood Golden Gate office director, which says that it’s a vanity project to boot.”
I thought that was interesting, but then, Two Babes and a Brain (a great site), took it one step further, and pointed us to her picture — Dian Harrison, President and CEO of Planned Parenthood Golden Gate.
Dian Harrison
Dian. Dianisis. What do you think? Alter egos?
The Two Babes report that Planned Parenthood has now scrubbed Dianisis and her condom gun off their web site. But this link does still work.
Dawn Eden, who first broke this story, has been doing more digging on Dian Harrison. . .

And we’re paying for this, Charmaine…doesn’t that just irritate the heck out of you.
PS…thanx for the compliment…we love your site.
PPGG vid and dianisis
Charmaine at Reasoned Audacity posted a comment about the face of the DIANISIS cartoon character and Dian Harrison Planned Parenthood Golden Gate office director.