William F. Buckley, Rush Limbaugh, George Will at NR's 50th. Not Cheney

Charmaine, Buckley
Your Business Blogger(R) and Charmaine attended National Review’s 50th Anniversary Gala in Washington DC Thursday night with 998 other dear friends. A celebration of a half century of journalism and innovation and wit.
The Evening’s black tie event was perfect save for a single point. Which provides us with a business lesson.
Rush holding court
photo credit: Jack Yoest
Security was subdued as we walked in. But President George Bush was rumored to pop in and surprise. The President did meet Buckley earlier in the day. Dick Cheney was on the agenda.
But something was a-miss. No metal detectors. Still, rumors persisted.
A video tribute was narrated by Rush Limbaugh. He reviewed NR’s history and demonstrated, I would say, that the publication was the true forerunner of today’s blogs.
Jack, Orrin Hatch,
Years ago NR proved conservatives had good, clean fun. When describing a paeon in a paragraph’s first sentence, the piece closed suggesting that readers should instead pee on the subject… The National Review opined. In print.
Still. Cheney was nowhere to be seen. Was President Bush behind the 8 story shear drapes?
Mari Will,
Reagan Alums
with Charmaine,
George Will
The program continued.
NR also publishes National Review Online, NRO, brainchild of the young, talented Rich Lowry. (Age 30 when taking the helm. Buckley was 29 when he founded National Review.)
NRO’s The Corner is a regular must read. Everyone loves K-Lo.
Readers know that NR has been critical of President Bush’s nomination of Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court. Rush Limbaugh on his program asked Dick Cheney some very direct questions. George Will’s op-ed cut like a saber.
Many conservatives are concerned.
Dick Cheney, one might expect, would appear and talk with his old friends.
The Vice President didn’t show.
A NR senior editor told me that the VP’s office cited scheduling challenges. After the evening’s program was printed up and distributed.
The point of this post is to reinforce the old business adage to always ‘under-promise and over-deliver.’ Vice versa is not good.
It doesn’t matter where fault, if any, can be pinned.
Nevertheless, expectations must always be managed.
Professional sales reps and top managers know how to maintain this delicate balance of delivering and not allowing clients — or an audience — to misunderstand or to experience an underwhelming outcome.
Clear communication is the responsibility of the salesman. Not the customer.
It’s just good business. And politics.
Be sure to follow Your Business Blogger(R) and Charmaine on Twitter: @JackYoest and @CharmaineYoest
Thank you (foot)notes,
Jack and Charmaine also blog at Reasoned Audacity and at Management Training of DC, LLC.
Full Disclosure: Your Business Blogger and wife were guests of the generosity of Charmaine’s client, The Family Research Council.
The Anniversary was held in the National Building Museum. The interior is a vast open-columned vista, some 10 stories up allowing a focus on infinity. The emotion is not unlike that generated by the awe, inspiring, up sweeping interiors of cathedrals.
Cocktail Reception
Call to Order M. Stanton Evans
Invocation Father George Rutler
Introductory Remarks M. Stanton Evans
Remarks Vice President Dick Cheney
Dinner Is Served
“A 50-Year Overview” Rush Limbaugh, Narrator
Jason Steorts, Editor
Special Recognitions M. Stanton Evans
Remarks Rich Lowry
William F. Buckley Jr.
Benediction Father George Rutler
Music and Dancing until 11:00 pm
Music by the Eric Felton Orchestra
The National Review Institute
Mr. Rush Limbaugh
Mr. George F. Will
The Honorable Henry J. Hyde
Mrs. Marth Apgar
Family Research Council
Dutko Worldwide
Citizens United
Visa USA
Media USA
Media Research Center
John M. Olin Foundation
Mr. CH Brunie
National Rifle Association
Mrs. Ann Corkery
Heritage Foundation
Mr. William H. Ingram
Capital Research Center
Federalist Society
Dezenhall Resources
Mr. Clark Reed
Mr. William Hoskins
Holland and Knight
RSL Associates
William E. Simon Foundation
Koch Industries
Mr. Dan Cook III
American Enterprise Institute
Mr. Joseph Donner
Verizon, Inc.
Ave Maria Law School
Mr. Howard Rich
Blank Rome LLP
Mr. Alfred C. Eckert III
Mr. Richard Gilder
Mr. Peter Travers
Quinn, Gillespie and Associates
Williams & Jensen, PLLC
Wine and Spirits Wholesalers of America
American Legislative Exchange Council
Legacy Partners Group
The Fund for American Studies
Motion Picture Association of America
Recording Industry Association of America
Antipasti of Seafood
Chateaubriand with Twin Sauces
Grilled Pacific Salmon
Truffled Potato Crepes
Asparagus and Yellow Pear Tomatoes
Hazelnut Meringue filled with Chocolate Ganache
and Crushed Hazelnut Praline
Ronald Reagan:
I think you know that National Review is my favorite magazine…because of its wit and its charm and the intellectual quality of its contents
George F. Will:
It is simply the case that National Review is the most consequential journal of opinion ever….It has changed first the ideas and then the politics and ultimately policies of the most important nation the world has ever known…
Buckley, Bush earlier on Thursday
at the Old Executive Office Building (OEOB)
which is considered to be a part of White House
Thank you (foot)notes:
Judge Bork doesn’t care for Miers.
Captain’s Quarters reports Washington Post likes Miers.
In the Bull Pen has Harriet Miers Debate.
California Yankee has Can the Conservative Rebellion End Well?
Cafe Oregano has driving Miss Miers.
Everyone’s Entitled to My Opinion has Happy 50th.
The Moderate Voice has the Polarizing Card.
NZPundit has the publisher’s statement.
Basil’s Blog has open trackbacks.
WizBang has Carnival of the Trackbacks.
PrestoPundit has bombshell.
Chose Life has an Enigma.
Macstansbury has open trackbacks.
Don Surber has the Daily Lincoln.
Villainous Company has pragmatic view.
Our friends on the Left are having a laff.
Left Coaster says Stop the Presses.
Centerfield cites Bork.
Professor Bainbridge supports Miers.
JollyBlogger doesn’t quite trust Miers:
In a situation like this, Martin Luther’s famous quip comes to mind that he would rather be ruled by a wise Turk than a foolish Christian. Of course the best option is to be ruled by a wise Christian. Miers is not a Turk in Luther’s sense, and she is a Christian, we need to know that she is a “wise” Christian in the sense of having the wisdom she needs to sit on the Supreme Court.
Joyner at Outside The Beltway is getting married today. But he still got Beltway Wedding Traffic Jam up. (Would that all managers could delegate so well.) (A future bloggable example.)
The Heretik has Bush Rejects.
Miers trouble in the Austin Bay household. He agin; wife for.
Hubris has pics — what is a prenumbra anyway? Thank you to Sister Toldjah.
Joe Carter has the Civil War at Evangelical Outpost.
See Carnival of the Capitalists at Business Pundit.

Thanks for the link. Great post – all my heroes.
Dick Cheney A No-Show At National Review’s 50th Anniversary Gala
Since its founding in 1955, National Review is considered by many to be one of the United States’ most politically influential publications. It is widely quoted by television and radio commentators of varying political stripes, who either refere…
Thank you for the link. It’s nice to see someone linking to those with views on both sides of the debate. I wish more bloggers would do this.
I’m neither for nor against Miers; I just wish to see her given a fair hearing.
Full marks 🙂
Cassandra, you are most welcome — and thank you for your kind words — especially from our favorite *VC*
Deborah G. you are most welcome for the link — your work deserves a wide readership