Life is Short

My mother-in-law in front of her parents’ grave,
the day before Uncle Joe’s funeral. . .
But a Short Time to Live
Our little hour,-how swift it flies
When poppies flare and lilies smile;
How soon the fleeting minute dies,
Leaving us but a little while
To dream our dream, to sing our song,
To pick the fruit, to pluck the flower,
The Gods-They do not give us long,-
One little hour.
Our little hour,-how short it is
When Love with dew-eyed loveliness
Raises her lips for ours to kiss
And dies within our first caress.
Youth flickers out like wind-blown flame,
Sweets of to-day to-morrow sour,
For Time and Death, relentless, claim
Our little hour.
Our little hour,-how short a time
To wage our wars, to fan our hates,
To take our fill of armoured crime,
To troop our banners, storm the gates.
Blood on the sword, our eyes blood-red,
Blind in our puny reign of power,
Do we forget how soon is sped
Our little hour?
Our little hour,-how soon it dies:
How short a time to tell our beads,
To chant our feeble Litanies,
To think sweet thoughts, to do good deeds.
The altar lights grow pale and dim,
The bells hang silent in the tower-
So passes with the dying hymn
Our little hour.
Leslie Coulson

Beautiful! What an amazing picture — so evocative and sad. Especially when juxtaposed with the poem.
Breakfast: 11/10/2005
Try one of these specials with your breakfast:
Michelle Malkin looks at the latest GOP cave-in
Stop the ACLU! stopped at ten reasons, but could go on
Random Thoughts are about lying
Maggie likes voting, but not all voters
Metaphysically Wrinkle…
I always get something from reading this blog. Very effective post today with the combination of amazing pictures, poetry, and an appeal for action and involvement. Great beginning for the day before Veterans’ Day.
What a wonderful photo!
Life Is Short
Life Is Short
Il Carnevale!
By Stefania from Free Thoughts Hi all girls (and boys) : as you can see , I am at my first experience with a Cotillion Carnival, so have patience ! By surfing a little bit the internet’s Cotillion world…
My first Cotillion Carnival is here ! Enjoy it!